Well, I don't think this has been discussed so far so I'll take a guess at what the news might be. I think the time is coming when all who say they are JWs will be required to report service time. If you don't, you will be disfellowshipped, because you will not be considered as a "witness". I don't have any special insight, but I do know that for a few years now there has been an intense effort to re-activate those who have been in-active. Even a special brochure was released for this purpose. The fence sitting crowd is causing great problems for the Society. In fact it seems like a good number of posters on this board are of that crowd,including myself. It would be fitting for such an anouncement to be made in September since that is the start of the service year. The tract campaign might be a kickoff event to get people re-activated. And the mandate to report the number of tracts placed, might be used as a meter to measure the level of dedication of each reporter. The low number reporters could be targeted for "special help". I would expect them to give a time period like 6 months before the disfellowshiping for the offense of "not witnessing" would begin. During that time, elders might be increasing "sheparding" visits to those who don't report time. I think this arangement might have been alluded to in the last KM school the elders had from reports I've heard. Well,there you have it. My speculation for what it's worth. seek2find
I have to say, out of everything I have read on this topic, seek2finds "theory" sounds like the most logical one. I just cannot believe the Society would stick their necks out for another date setting announcement for Armagedon. Look back at the havic that was caused by 1975. Now with the age of the internet, that kind of announcement, and failed prophecy, would surely shatter the organization.
If you think about the above "theory", it makes sence. Anyone not putting in time of some kind, most likely has issues. Those issues, coupled with the access to the internet, is too dangerous to let go unchecked. Too many fence sitters as was brought out. Fence sitters who at anytime who could become lethal if they began to share their findings. And who indeed are...just look at them dropping out like flies!
The latest organization book which came out a couple of years ago said that a person who is not going to meetings or service would be considered no longer a witness. (something to that effect). Now, with that they can make the "announcement" just based on performance, not wrong doing. It all kind of fits together if you think about it. And it would coincide with Marys comment she got from her connections at Bethel, that confirmed a announcement, but that the GB is concerned the rank and file who have a problems with change may be effected by the announcement. Of course if it indeed goes down this way, the active rank and file will no doubt say, "See... there is no more sitting on the fence. You are either with us or your against us." Yet, isn't the LATEST teaching that the seperating of the sheep and the goats has not even started yet???? Isn't that supposed to happen AFTER the great tribulation?? Or during it??(help for watchtower confirmation anyone) I believe that is the latest belief. So the seperating they are doing is pre-Jesus seperation work I guess?? I think its a seperating those with knowledge from those who don't know whats really going on.
The whole "armagedon" is coming announcement is probably just rumor, that someone has started to get everyone hyped up. Who knows, maybe a "apostate" started it so that the rank and file would once again be disappointed, and wake up. Who knows! I just cannot help but think of that scripture, "No one knows the day or the hour, it will come as a theif in the night."
Lady Liberty