WOW! Jesus came a lot!!
Yea, but did Mary Magdalene?
by truthseeker 154 Replies latest jw friends
WOW! Jesus came a lot!!
Yea, but did Mary Magdalene?
UC, you always get my funnies.
twisted minds think alike, I guess
Wow! Mary is hot.
What is it? I have no clue. They didn't even pump things up this much for the 1995 generation change.
I would never claim to be a better Brooklynologist (as in Kremlinologist) than you given that you were a member of the org while I never was.
But respectfully I would point out that there is a major difference between the 1995 generation change and ANY doctrinal change made today, and that is that ANYTHING they do or say is coming under further scrutiny and is seen more in the light of day. Any change has to be primed FAR more than it ever was in the past... no matter how minor.
I think announcing 1995 today would kill the org.
You are probably right about most not even thinking about 1935. On the other hand they do need to do something about all these annointed that just never seem to die off. Did you notice that when you were in the org? It is one of those tick-tock tick-tock doctrines like the generation that would not pass away.
I personally am having loads of fun forcing a couple of jw's I know to explain to me in excruciating detail just how we know that the NT was written exclusively to the annointed. They are almost in pain when I force them to say it out loud.
In the first place, the WTS teaches that Armageddon is the end phase of the great tribulation which starts with the DESTRUCTION OF ALL RELIGION. Then the marriage of the bride (all 144,000 literal anointed) in heaven to Christ (I wonder if those young ones are going to miss it or die early?). Then Gog of Magog (Satan) will attack the WTS. Then Armageddon will you think that will all happen from September to December 2006?
The sky is falling.....................
The emperor has no clothes on..............
UC, you always get my funnies.
Oh yeah, sorry min, that was friggin hilarious.
Check your premises, THAT was funny.ou're just mad you didn't think of it first.
Check your premises, THAT was funny.ou're just mad you didn't think of it first.
No I was genuinely apologizing for not giving you your props. I actually laughed out loud, not a lame LOL. I was on my way to shower you with glory, but then as I am apt, I became distracted.
I don't care who says the funnies, as long as they get out there! If I wasn't able to laugh about all this I would be piloting a fertilizer truck somewhere in Brooklyn Heights right about now.
So much for "nobody knowing the day or the hour" LOLOL! Not only do they know the day and the hour, they make sure that it coincides with the beginning of the new service year to BOLSTER the numbers for 06-07! Now THATS a cooperative God, I tell ya. Im sure God is pissed off that somebody in Jesus' camp leaked his return date to the Watchtower Society. You just cant get good help these days. :)