I just sent a book to the GB "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf!"
(whispering to Fairmind);
They have already READ it
by truthseeker 154 Replies latest jw friends
I just sent a book to the GB "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf!"
(whispering to Fairmind);
They have already READ it
so armageddon really is "just around the corner"?
You wrote: I just sent a book to the GB "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf!"
They have it. It's their business model.
Heavens no! I'm much better looking that the avatar....here's the real me:
Mary...I'm in love
The new truth to be revealed this year will not be when "Armageddon"™ strikes but rather on something more importent.
The GB (after a close study of scriptures) had determined that TITHING was never abolished. It is the will of jehober that at LEAST 10% (before taxes) be donated (voluntarily) to the org.This will at last bring the org into complete compliance with jehobers will and oh yeah armageddon will soon follow.
armaggedon this year? bring it on.
i'm ready for some reality instead of predictions and suppositions!
Mary, I have researched that and the WTS says both situations are possible. Some of the anointed may be on the earth when the GT starts........but won't all of them have to be heaven for the wedding shortly thereafter. If Armageddon is coming by the end of this year, those 144,000 still on earth will have to be in heaven by then.
Typical double-speak....in other words, they haven't a clue what they're talking about as per usual......thanks for the research on that Blondie!
candidlynuts said: armaggedon this year? bring it on. i'm ready for some reality instead of predictions and suppositions!
One of these days, they're going to tell us that Armageddon's already happened and it was invisible. It happened like Jesus' Second Coming and could only be "discerned" by those "faithful" ones who could "see with the eye of understanding."
Sound far fetched? Well, they've managed to convince 6 million people that Jesus returned invisibly 90 years ago.....how much more of a stretch would it really be?
Interesting that you'd say that, Mary.
I was once acquainted with an elder who believed that *we* were Armageddon, that the Witnesses themselves and their preaching work _was_ Armageddon. Supposedly he wrote the Society and then they wrote him back CONFIRMING IT! Everyone was like WTF?!?! He had this letter, he carried it in his breast pocket everywhere he went, and I am not making this up. He'd trot it out all the time at meetings for field service during the time when I was pioneering. I never read it personally.
He's not an elder anymore, and the rumor was that it was because he was spreading this teaching (that supposedly was confirmed by the Society.)
So I don't know what to make of that, but let the story at least illustrate that it's eminently possible that such an interpretation is possible (what interpretation isn't?) and that there would of course be support for whatever they wanted to say.
Here what everyone talkin bout ya big sillys.
At first I thought it said "Pooper's Brewery."
If Armageddon is coming this year, why are they preparing next year's assemblies and printing next years calendar already?