Wow, what a mess. I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap, but at least you are free, happy, and have a fantastic husband! Unfortunately, you can't completely eliminate relatives from your life like you can with bad friends. However, you can limit how much they influence your life
My sis calls & says,"Your dead"&"I wish you'd died in a car accident"(long)
by morwen 70 Replies latest jw experiences
My mother told me in January of 1995 she wished she'd have put me in a foster home. She slammed her door to my back as I was leaving. She has never contacted me since. In 1992 I rode my motorcycle to West Virginia from South Dakota to see my only brother. After a four hour visit, he told me I can't say anything in his house that he doesn't agree with and he told me I represent everything in the world he hates.
My dad hasn't called me in 11 years.
My Witness inlaws worked hard to break up my marriage. They almost succeeded. The Jehovah's Witnesses advised my sons to shun me. One still does.
Every single thing the Jehovah's Witnesses ever told me was a lie and they're pissed off at me for having a problem with that. -
THIS is exactly what the householder needs to WITNESS. Not the Masked jw's standing on their porch, but the trueness of how they about who's porch they are standing on. And we all know, if it isn't a jws porch, they will eventually be killed by jehovah, someday, soon.
THIS is why jws are easy targets of disgusts. ass. {minimus, shut it!}
Morwen-I like your name.Kinda sounds like a character from The Lord of the Rings. Anyway, as you can see I am a newbie. I was the type of dub who previously would have said something crass like your sister. She is just having a hysterical first reaction. Given time, I hope the family will calm down. Maybe something will happen to them like happened to my family and they will see the elders for what they really are, petty dictators wringing their hands, waiting for a chance to "hear some dirt" on someone, and treat them in the most unloving, harsh way possible. Or, maybe there will be some new announcement that Armageddon is coming soon and when it doesn't, will begin to question. This all may take some time. Thank you for sharing your story. Until I came across this site I had no idea how many people were becoming dissilutioned. It helps to read the experiences of others.
how sad for your family...
sad for you as well morwen but i think your gonna be ok.. you are surrounded by a loving family in your own home and seem to have a great attitude. its so easy to be beaten down by family. especially jw family who think God approves of their actions.
thanks for sharing your story, i'm sure it will help a lot of us to see the positive outlook you have and how you're dealing with it.
sorry about your 2nd child...i hope having others has helped to relieve the pain somewhat..
this comment interested me cos i tried to make this point too
Okay..... but isn't it the JW belief that you will be SO happy in "paradise" that you will have NO pain, NO suffering, you will have your exquisite delight to the full?And you will suffer no painful thoughts from the "old world"?? So,(if there was such a thing as a JW paradise) then she would not weep for us nor feel pain over us NOT being there because the former things/thoughts would pass away. She would be perfectly happy that I wouldn't be there,riiiight??
if you in fact had all died in a car crash...then in the ressurection you wouldnt be together..cos death ends the marriage... so in fact everyday they would have to deal with you being alive but not being together its an enigma wrapped in a mystery tijkmo -
So too bad with all these experiences.
I can relate........................................It is really sad when you think about it.
Your story is so similar to that of me and my wife. The bit about "Why are you doing this to us?!?!" is so common. I'm glad you didn't let her get away with transfering her responsibility of her decision to cut you off. It is good to make them realize that they are choosing to judge people and sever relationships, because that does not come easily when loved ones are involved. That is what triggered me to start looking into my beliefs as a JW. Good luck!
This just reminds me again that JW are not just a religion but a mind controlling cult. Destructive and dangerous!
I’m happy you and your husband have freed yourselves from this. Freetosee
Wow thank you all for your kind words! And I see alot of you have,are or are going to be, going through something similar,I wish the best to all of you as well! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks I have a screwed up family,! This forum is great,it's like having a "shrink" without paying a bunch of money,LOL
I know deep down my family does love me but for whatever reason they think they need this religion,I just can't trust them because they are so brain washed(especially with my kids).And now I'm holding their "feet to the fire" since never before have they had to deal with this part of this religion's rules.
Slaine even told me if I had wanted,I could blame everything on him becuase he knew my family was going to be hell to deal with and he wasn't sure if I would be able to handle the heat. But I made my choice,I pretty much knew how they would react.Plus I suck at lying anyway,and I would've had to do alot of lying if I wanted to pass it off on my husband! And I am MY OWN person,i'm not so fragile I can be pushed around like they wish I could be,and I don't feel comfortable treating my husband that way.And I feel good about that choice,and I'M FREE!!
I do think in time,slowly,one by one they will begin to see(well okay maybe not all of them but a few is better than nothing).And I think GG your right, it is a last-ditch effort to get me to come back.And I'm a threat to everything they have spent their life doing or rather not doing.You hang in there,too!
It is a bit silly how so many of you have commented that you have heard the same exact words,they don't realize how crazy it sounds! I've thought the same thing reading everyone else's experiences!!