Just to add to my post. I sent my Pioneer Grand-daughter $100.00 & a lovely letter ( she is a JW) she wrote me back ( kept the money) & told ,me she did not like the way I lead my life so wanted Nothing to do with me ---she hoped I died before Armeggeddon so I MIGHT get a resurrection. Guess she dont know they teach Apostates are dead weather the live or die before Armeggedon
My sis calls & says,"Your dead"&"I wish you'd died in a car accident"(long)
by morwen 70 Replies latest jw experiences
This is one of many instances on this forum of JWs using "shock therapy" hoping it will bring you back to your senses and back to the JWs. Fortunately, most of us are now immune to this tactic, and see it as further proof that there is nothing in The Organization™ worth going back to.
I've mentioned this experience of mine several times - it happened in April 1996, over 10 years ago, but when I remember it, it's like it happened yesterday. It was the pivotal experience that made me decide that I could never, ever go back to the JWs. I'd been suffering from postpartum depression for a long time. We moved to a new area - different congregation, different circuit - and had basically dropped off the face of the earth as far as JWs were concerned. I started nursing school, and had just finished my second term exams. I wasn't depressed anymore. I was happy, my family was happy, we were doing great for a change. Suddenly I got a call from an old JW Friend™ who wanted to get together with me. She'd been my best friend for years, and due to both of us having moved, we'd lost touch. Anyway, she invited me to go out with her for coffee and dessert. Eventually the conversation was steered in the direction I expected it might: "How is your Spirituality™?" she asked me. I replied that I felt better about that than I had in a long time. She knew we hadn't been to meetings in months so I didn't bother lying about it. I said, "That's right, we decided we needed a vacation from all that for a while." It was like I'd thrown a pot of scalding water on her the way she shrieked in horror.
She was practically yelling at me: "If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™, you may as well take your three beautiful children out into the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and they'll have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™." Remember that we're in a busy restaurant, with other people within earshot. I caught a glimpse on some of the faces who'd overheard her - they were simply horrified and disgusted by what she said. I felt like I'd been slapped across the face. I stood up from the table and walked out on her, and never spoke to her again. At that point it was so obvious that she was trying to manipulate me into going back with guilt and fear for my children's lives, a year earlier I probably would have caved to that kind of thinking and gone back. But it was too late. I'd seen that way of thinking in its most ugly, disgusting form, and I was not about to allow my life to be controlled by it ever again.
Marwen, your sister just did you a huge favor. It may not feel that way right now, but when I think about that time I was subjected to that desperate hateful clawing at my soul to get sucked back into the Organization™, it made me realize that the WTS and JWs do not have a clue about what love really is, and that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that the Organization™ could do to get me to go back to that mentally and emotionally and spiritually abusive way of life.
"I wish I had been told all of you had died in a car accident instead of this."
Well, folks. I don't know about most of us here, but if anybody ever says that to me, the reply is going to be one I learned right here on JWD:
"Wel screeew you and the horse you road in on!!!"
And I garauntee you one word won't be as polite as I wrote it here!
Forscher -
Farkel came up with some gems, didn't he?
Personally, I got a lot of satisfaction out of just walking out on the @$$hole JW and leaving them to look as stupid and hateful as they sounded.
Farkel came up with some gems, didn't he?
Yep, Scully. He did.
Forscher -
eddie c
Hi Morwen,
What a story.You and your husband Slaine sound like an amazing couple.Thanks for sharing this with us.Your family are to be pitied,they are trapped in the Watchtower bird-cage.You have chosen to spread your wings and taste freedom.Lets hope that you show them the way.
Enjoy your husband and children. Sorry for your loss.
If my oldest sister didn't say almost the exact same things to me (short of disowning me) I probably would think you are exaggerating. Fortunately, she is too "weak" to shun me.
Their mental state is absolutely crazy! When my nice was df'ed my other sister, her mother, told her (While crying hysterically) It would be better if you died.
Unbelievable the things J-dubs say!!!
I'm so sorry I know it must hurt to lose them.... I know your family will bring you much needed comfort. -
When I quit the meetings I had family and friends coming by day and night and I was told how I would die at Armageddon. When they sent my a final kiss off e-mail of I am never going to see or speak to you again as long as I am an apostate I replied that I would rather die at armageddon that spend eternity with JW's. My dad then replied that I was now a child of Satan. I replied with a laughing yahoo icon. Good riddance is all I have to say.
<< It would be better if you died. >>
I got this as well years ago. It's calmed down now but it did take quite a while to get to that point.
Sorry you're going thru it, they say the most horrible things and yet blame you for them. Crazy.
Dams -
When I quit the meetings I had family and friends coming by day and night and I was told how I would die at Armageddon. When they sent my a final kiss off e-mail of I am never going to see or speak to you again as long as I am an apostate I replied that I would rather die at armageddon that spend eternity with JW's. My dad then replied that I was now a child of Satan. I replied with a laughing yahoo icon. Good riddance is all I have to say.
Wow, I just read the first post you ever made. You certainly have come a long way since then.