Return of the Christ: too much religion not enough GOD

by enochrodofiron 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • enochrodofiron

    Mr.. President the time from 33 Ad to Constantine 300 years,
    300 years for a politician to decide he was better off using
    Christianity for his political purpose than fighting it, A lot like
    what you did in 2000. Except you made the same mistake Constantine
    did, you thought God would be a partner in your crimes and let you
    off Scot free because the paid religionist lied to you.

    http://enochnarrati ves.homestead. com/EnochDaniel. html You are going
    to have a real problem in forty or so months. I can understand part
    of your confusion, without a doubt 90% of Christiaanity is as pagan
    as the Roman Empire but ten percent is first century and believes
    the same Paul did without a Trinity and Christ being God among us as
    his Jewish name meant.
    http://enochnarrati ves.homestead. com/lettertopres ident.html
    Quote from Letter.
    Mr. President: You are a perfect biblical "type" of Nebuchadnezzar
    the king . Being a follower of the Trinity by believing in
    Traditional American Christianity you have accepted all the false
    doctrines added to scripture by Constantine which in turn had roots
    in Babylon religions. Christ according to the pagan doctrine added
    on is just another Mar Duke or High priest to Dagon.. remanufactured
    into the Trinity throw in a little Mary worship and you have Isis
    and Tammazo . Part of Nimrod religion from Babel. Understand that
    the King of Babylon believed in the God of Daniel just believed in
    all the other false doctrine and made stupid mistakes just like you.
    I gave you the vision of April 4, 2002 just like Daniel gave his
    interpretation of the Kings Dream.
    Nebuchadnezzar thought by making a Idol to his dream he
    could "appropriate the power of God without submitting to God" Just
    like you thought you could use the prophets of God to further the
    political goals of America. True Christ did make you President but
    you failed to consider political animals of paid religionist
    controlling "access" to God by a demon controlled church leadership.
    By listening to your "wise men you did this"

    Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against
    Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor
    fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or
    fault found in him.Then said these men, We shall not find any
    occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him
    concerning the law of his God.

    Just as in Daniel the modern paid religionists still try to control
    all access to God through political power of controlling the press
    and all organs of communication. . By blocking access to American
    public by censoring the press and only allowing a few paid
    religionists access to the air waves without rebuttal of the claims
    they make you are being controlled by TBN and all other religious
    business/politician which control the entire economies of the world
    starting with Rome. Unless the United States Government publishes
    the Hidden Book and gives it to every American in the mail box as a
    source of rebuttal to the modern paid religionists Christ will not
    spare America the "correction" she deserves. Unless the Hidden Book
    is a house hold word and the peoples faith is activated America will
    go through Hell on Earth until the rich paid religionists are
    convinced of the destruction they brought on themselves and the
    nation they claim to love. This is the price of false doctrine and
    Christ will extract payment in full from the richest and most
    powerful families on earth in particular America. I told you Christ
    wants full disclosure for the Hidden Book You claim to be a
    Christian and serve Christ, you was made president because you was
    the only man who would be remotely capable of making the Hidden Book
    BUT NOT LIKELY? The clock is ticking Mr. President, Christ is
    waiting the simple fact that what I write cannot be rejected by 100%
    of all the believers of the God of Abraham according to their own
    Traditions and Scriptures makes the Hidden Book most unique among
    modern documents. The paid religionist love money not God, they will
    spend 1,000 years working off the money they stole without
    permission. Government Leaders will answer to Christ for not
    informing the people the God who our government claimed gave them
    authority to be established on the geographical land mass of North
    America gave three years warning before destroying the country and
    the government stayed silent.But spend billions concerned about Y2K
    a decimal point on computers compared to a ancient prophesy accurate
    and brought up to date by the Hidden Book ordered by Christ to be
    published and ignored by the man he made president. Exactly what
    will you do in forty months? "Get away from me I never knew you!"
    Lord Jesus Christ.
    Members of the "Hidden Book Of Revelations" witnessess
    group.Religious, Governmet, Media

    http://enochnarrati ves.homestead. com/EnochDaniel. html (click on)
    Christ notified the Church leadership about starting the last week
    of years back up (about the seven years before his return)
    every "man of God" was too busy counting money to listen to anything
    except how the collection plate was doing, exactly how is that any
    different than what the moneychangers did in the temple?
    keep me lifted up before the Lord........ ..(those that work for the
    paid religionist and know the truth)
    http://enochnarrati ves.homestead. com/lettertopres ident.html (click
    I am Enoch rod of iron: I will reward those who stand by me now
    openly and make them the Nobility for the next thousand years. I
    will be ashamed of those who are ashamed of me and so will Christ.
    Count on it. Any man of God who received money teaching that Christ
    will reward the giver belongs to the rod of iron for one thousand
    years. Whether he be a administrator or a slave depends upon what he
    does now before Christ returns concerning the Hidden
    Book ............ ......... HELL DISLIKES WHAT I
    WRITE....... ......... .......
    We must act as one against the beast. We must think as a government
    in exile. Let us learn to do so. We must remember that we must all
    hang together otherwise we will surely be hanged separately,
    Benjamin Franklyn.
    Let us examine other governments in Exile to learn the logic and the
    means to passively resist the beast but keep spiritual pressure on
    all world leaders to remind them as they watch Saddam Hussein in
    trial that it is a precursor to all those that exercise authority
    now that Christ is coming and he is not deceived as the children are
    by the False church and her "good works" Lets find out everything we
    can on the Tibet government in Exile. Nicolaitanes'
    Prayer. Let the Elocution
    of my lips dull the illumination of your children grant me all the
    money they seek to bribe you with O Lord. Hide from sight the poor
    starving masses unless I need them for TV props for my show. Forbid
    the governments from showing my Palaces condemn them that tell the
    truth about my crimes. Give me the politicians who conspire with me
    to keep our World in Hell. Lift up my giving bus fare to the public
    eye of all those I mugged of the money that was meant for them. Let
    not the modern robes I wear on Sunday remind the people of the High
    Priest, who nailed you to a tree, for all that I have gained don't
    come to prove to the world that I am as those who laughed, jeered
    as they whipped you 1972 years ago. Have Ted Turner, Bill Gates,
    George Bush Kill the Edward who you call Enoch before someone
    actually hears what he is saying. In the name of TBN and the Panzer
    Cardinal I pray....OUR WORLD IS INSANE...... ......The engine to our
    economy is fueled by the cooperation of everyone believing in a lie,
    this is called consumer confidence. If everyone realized our world
    is insane the world would not be able to continue on wasting
    resources and people would not be permitted to be billionaires while
    others starved. That is why we have men with guns called armies and
    men with smaller guns called police. And the fact that people are
    tired of the insanity make the Police look for bigger guns. All the
    problems of inequity COULD BE resolved peaceful if the people with
    power permitted the rest of the world to share in the resources of
    the world which doesn't belong to the people with money but the
    people without money who supply the resources. This is why we have
    armies this why we have armies in the Middle East now. Our leaders
    don't lead they follow the trail of money into an abyss of the
    unknown at the end of which is extinction. Religion far from being
    the answer is the main problem. The biggest threat to world peace is
    the leadership of all three major religions. The leadership of the
    religions of the God of Abraham have nothing to do with the actual
    God of Abraham they represent the Lucifierian worship of the God of
    Abraham. Everyone forgets that Lucifer was the second most powerful
    being in existence. And his job was worship leader and he was very
    good at it and still is. As long as the paid religionist controls
    the money of those who love God Satan will control the governments
    and the world. Religion is evil itself not God religion when put in
    the place of God serves Satan not God. God never needed temples
    mankind did, they need needed temples because the priest needed job
    security and the building needed money to stay fix up and the people
    had to give the money to priest to keep the temple up. When the
    messiah to over two billion people came to earth the High priest
    nailed him to a tree because he preached against the thieves' liars
    and frauds called moneychangers which worked for the High Priest.
    The High priest a precursor to the Pope manipulated the pagan roman
    government into murdering Christ in the most dehumanizing way
    because he dared touched the money or income of the temple. 2,000
    years later and nothing changed. The sins of the paid religionist
    will cause the greatest and most destructive wars of mankind we
    will never survive without the direct intervention of God himself.
    The best thing anyone can do is stop supporting all religions until
    they admit the truth and change. And Cain talked with Abel his
    brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain
    rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. That is why we kill
    and hate each other. The tree of knowledge of Good and evil in the
    garden was a metaphor for the demons which lived in the DNA of the
    tree which entered mankind when Adam and Eve ate of the tree the
    disembodied spirits became part of our DNA all the hateful things of
    an older creation was brought back alive by the disembodied spirits
    permitted to live in mankind soul. Demons were stripped of souls and
    the only way they can feel anything is to be attached to a human
    soul this is the original sin of the bible. When Mary was born
    without sin it means that her mother and 10 generations before her
    was not cursed by God and was demon free by the blessings of God. It
    doesn't make Mary a "Goddess" like "pagan Christianity pretends" it
    just makes her demon free. Our world is insane our leadership by its
    nature reflects our insanity.

    vice_president@ whitehouse. gov wrote: Thank you for e-mailing Vice
    President Cheney. Your comments,
    suggestions and concerns are important to him. Unfortunately,
    because of the large volume of e-mail received, the Vice
    President cannot personally respond to each message. However,
    members of the Vice President's staff consider and report
    citizen ideas and concerns. Please visit the White House web
    site for the most up-to-date information on Presidential
    initiatives, current events, and topics of interest to you.

    Thank you again for taking the time to write.

  • enochrodofiron

    Jehovahs Witness Group keep me lifted up before the Lord............. Shelly, my thoughts and prayers have been with you and the family Christ used to teach me about the curse of the paid religionist causing the suffering of the world we live in now. I understand you and the rest of the family I loved served in submission to Christ , you was unable to understand me,........... April 4, 2002 Christ took me to Heaven stood before the REAL ARK OF THE COVENANT IN THE HOLY OF HOLIES IN HEAVEN. IN HIS PRESENCE As I was praying seeking intersession for special people God brought me to him in a wonderful way. I was wondering what my death would be like and he showed me it was beautiful I know why they call it a beatific vision. I am in no hurry but will always cherish how he done it. So natural and simple he just talked to me showing the same things he first taught me as a child just learning about him as he talked he drew me closer then I was just there with him. He gently corrected me when I said I couldn't believe it he said, "you can believe it can't you?" I realized it was a act of free will to just believe him and he opened heaven wide just for me to feel what it is to be one with him then I realized that all the power and wealth of this life is nothing compared to being with him. It was wonderful. I understand why some people think mother earth is God. While being with him it seemed the earth itself was wooing with loving and kindly words as a master would call his pet with loving words as I drew closer feeling the oneness choosing each step and receiving more joy and fulfillment as I came closer to him realizing that I was surrounded by love and filled with joy knowing that this is what he created me for all along. I wondered what could have ever persuaded me to hate or do wrong that could simply not exist here then I thought of people like Hitler or Arafat coming into God's presence with sorrow for them I realized that was a loss they would never feel then I realized not just them but all the people who focused on the things of this world will lose out on the single most important thing in the universe and they will miss out for eternity simply knowing that in the end this God this presence could never be unfair in his judgment concerning me or anyone He would be fair and honest and trusting him completely for anything with my life, death, or anything to come. There was so much he showed me but it would take a book to describe it but all of it made perfect and very simple sense. This is the last chapter of that book it is also of the same book in Daniel and revelations the Hidden Book of Revelations Chapter 10 it is how Christ will destroy the world system using his rod of iron.
    I ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD YOU, KRISTINA, BETH, BUZ, EVEN LILLIAN, BUT YOU FAILED TO ACCEPT BY FAITH THAT CHRIST WAS MORE REAL THAN THE WORLD AROUND YOU .......THIS WORLD IS COMING TO AN END IN FORTY MONTHS MY ASSIGNMENT WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN JUST BEING A DISABLED STEP DAD WHO DIDN'T MATTER TO ANYONE NOT EVEN THOSE HE LOVED.......CHRIST KNEW THAT LILLIAN WOULD TRY TO STOP THE ASSIGNMENT, GOD WANTED ME TO ACCOMPLISH, HE ORDERED THE DIVORCE WHEN SHE DID TRY,...................STAY CLOSE TO GOD.............. I am Enoch rod of iron: I will reward those who stand by me now openly and make them the Nobility for the next thousand years. I will be ashamed of those who are ashamed of me and so will Christ. Count on it. Any man of God who received money teaching that Christ will reward the giver belongs to the rod of iron for one thousand years. Whether he be a administrator or a slave depends upon what he does now before Christ returns concerning the Hidden Book .....................HELL DISLIKES WHAT I WRITE.......................

    "Christian denominations was quick to use scripture against Christ own words to debunk the doctrine of Reincarnation some claiming the doctrine a heathen doctrine due to the Buddhist and non Christian religions which noticed spiritual repetitions of souls in objective ways and presumed that something which Christ said was possible happened enough for the apostles to accept without much more than a sentence from Christ to establish." .......I understand your feelings, your anger, and your outrage disturbing your sernety, bringing the Hell on earth into your inner temple, one of my incarnations was a jewish man in Berlin, I remember the night of broken glass more clearly, than many memories of this 55 year old life. My life is hanging on by a thread by design of God now, that is why I write each message as my last. Before your delete or pass judgment, know this, I am doing exactly what you would do if the positions was reversed cared what happen to your fellow man. "remember the man who told the angel put my name down as the one who loved his fellow man when he was told that his name was not among those who loved God, only to find his name on top of the list for those who loved God the next time he saw the angel's list" This Edward called enoch by Christ,....... Matthew 24:15 When ye herefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation,spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in (Judae flee to the mountains): And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. and there Joel 2:2, Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. contempt Matt 25:46, John 5:29, Rom 2:8, Rev 14:11, Rev 20:15 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.wise Proverbs 4:18, Matt 13:44 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.sealed Isa 29:11, Rev 5:1 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days

  • under_believer

    WTF? I got a PM with all this stuff in it, too...

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    enochrodofiron ,

    Are you a jw ?

    It's just that I believe that using three and half thousand words to attempt to present a point of view is a very "jw" type of method

  • Satanus



  • parakeet

    The fonts, the font sizes, the colors, the incoherence!!!! I BELIEVE! I BELIEVE!

  • enochrodofiron

    Don't like what I write don't read, want to stop otthers from reading seems a lot more like the Beast than i seem like JW..........I am here for those wanting to read whatt I write not for those who don't. I don't ask for money, nor favor, I am here providing a service for God you have a problem with that take it up with him

  • Inquisitor
    Don't like what I write don't read

    No, it's not the content that's the problem, enoch. I for one, am still trying to sort out what the *bleep* you're trying to say. The presentation of your material: It's as if you're shoving an entire leg of ham down our throats. You need to cut it to bite-size pieces. Add a little commentary, guide your readers a bit. That is one massive chunk of info. If it truly is God's work you're doing, let me tell you that you're not doing it very well.


  • LittleToe

    I don't think this is one of our previous prophets. This is something new

  • enochrodofiron

    If you have trouble reading the words make a copy and then study it, I have a few million people who want to have a large meal not a snack. I am not begging for money or your attenttion I am posting information for people who have been waiting for information about the return of the Christ, not people who are bored to tears with everything especially God. HOW TO PICK A FIGHT WITH THE 700 club DIDN'T LEAVE OUT THE GOOD NEWS..........CLICK ON awakened AFTER READING Buddhism is a religion and philosophy focusing on the teachings of the Buddha Úâkyamuni (Siddhârtha Gautama), who probably lived in the 5th century BCE. Buddhism spread throughout the ancient Indian sub-continent in the five centuries following the Buddha's death, and (propagated into Central, Southeast, and East Asia) over the next two millennia. Today, Buddhism is divided primarily into three traditions: Theravâda (Sanskrit: Sthaviravâda), Mahâyâna, and Vajrayâna. Buddhism continues to attract followers worldwide, and, with around 350 million followers, it is considered a major world religion. A Buddha is considered to be a person who discovers the true nature of reality through years of spiritual cultivation, investigation of the various religious practices of his time, and meditation. This transformational discovery is called bodhi - literally, "Awakening" (more commonly called "Enlightenment"). Any person who has become awakened from the "sleep of ignorance" by directly realizing the true nature of reality is called a Buddha. Úâkyamuni is said to have been only the latest of many of these; there were other Buddhas before him and there will be others in the future. According to the Buddha, any person can follow his example and become enlightened through the study of his words "Dharma" and putting them into practice, by leading a virtuous, moral life, and purifying his mind. In general, the aim of Buddhist practice is to end all kinds of suffering in life. To achieve this state, adherents seek to purify and train the mind by following the Noble Eightfold Path, or the Middle Way, and eventually to gain true knowledge of reality and thus secure the ending (nirodha) of ignorance and of unhappiness and the attainment of liberation: moksha or nirvâ ? a (Pâli nibbâna). awakened

    Any person who has become awakened from the "sleep of ignorance" by directly realizing the true nature of reality is called a Buddha.

    Edward Mooney <[email protected]> wrote:

    COUNCIL OF GRAD STUDENTS – GENERAL…….Regent University The nation's academic center for Christian thought and action. It's more than a description of …………You have been lied to and deceived. Far from crowns most men of God will receive stripes on their back for teaching false doctrine and sins of omissions in order to keep a comfortable salesmen job, selling the word of God. You may never receive this e mail those that do prevent it reaching others will wish to God almighty they became bar tenders instead of “men of God”. (click on) Christ notified the Church leadership about starting the last week of years back up (about the seven years before his return) every "man of God" was too busy counting money to listen to anything except how the collection plate was doing, exactly how is that any different than what the moneychangers did in the temple? I am Enoch rod of iron: I will reward those who stand by me now openly and make them the Nobility for the next thousand years. I will be ashamed of those who are ashamed of me and so will Christ. Count on it. Any man of God who received money teaching that Christ will reward the giver belongs to the rod of iron for one thousand years. Whether he be a administrator or a slave depends upon what he does now before Christ returns concerning the Hidden Book .....................HELL DISLIKES WHAT I WRITE....................... We must act as one against the beast. We must think as a government in exile. Let us learn to do so. We must remember that we must all hang together otherwise we will surely be hanged separately, Benjamin Franklyn. Let us examine other governments in Exile to learn the logic and the means to passively resist the beast but keep spiritual pressure on all world leaders to remind them as they watch Saddam Hussein in trial that it is a precursor to all those that exercise authority now that Christ is coming and he is not deceived as the children are by the False church and her “good works” Lets find out everything we can on the Tibet government in Exile. Nicolaitanes’ Prayer. Let the Elocution of my lips dull the illumination of your children grant me all the money they seek to bribe you with O Lord. Hide from sight the poor starving masses unless I need them for TV props for my show. Forbid the governments from showing my Palaces condemn them that tell the truth about my crimes. Give me the politicians who conspire with me to keep our World in Hell. Lift up my giving bus fare to the public eye of all those I mugged of the money that was meant for them. Let not the modern robes I wear on Sunday remind the people of the High Priest, who nailed you to a tree, for all that I have gained don’t come to prove to the world that I am as those who laughed, jeered as they whipped you 1972 years ago. Have Ted Turner, Bill Gates, George Bush Kill the Edward who you call Enoch before someone actually hears what he is saying. In the name of TBN and the Panzer Cardinal I pray....OUR WORLD IS INSANE............The engine to our economy is fueled by the cooperation of everyone believing in a lie, this is called consumer confidence. If everyone realized our world is insane the world would not be able to continue on wasting resources and people would not be permitted to be billionaires while others starved. That is why we have men with guns called armies and men with smaller guns called police. And the fact that people are tired of the insanity make the Police look for bigger guns. All the problems of inequity COULD BE resolved peaceful if the people with power permitted the rest of the world to share in the resources of the world which doesn’t belong to the people with money but the people without money who supply the resources. This is why we have armies this why we have armies in the now. Our leaders don’t lead they follow the trail of money into an abyss of the unknown at the end of which is extinction. Religion far from being the answer is the main problem. The biggest threat to world peace is the leadership of all three major religions. The leadership of the religions of the God of Abraham have nothing to do with the actual God of Abraham they represent the Lucifierian worship of the God of Abraham. Everyone forgets that Lucifer was the second most powerful being in existence. And his job was worship leader and he was very good at it and still is. As long as the paid religionist controls the money of those who love God Satan will control the governments and the world. Religion is evil itself not God religion when put in the place of God serves Satan not God. God never needed temples mankind did, they need needed temples because the priest needed job security and the building needed money to stay fix up and the people had to give the money to priest to keep the temple up. When the messiah to over two billion people came to earth the High priest nailed him to a tree because he preached against the thieves’ liars and frauds called moneychangers which worked for the High Priest. The High priest a precursor to the Pope manipulated the pagan roman government into murdering Christ in the most dehumanizing way because he dared touched the money or income of the temple. 2,000 years later and nothing changed. The sins of the paid religionist will cause the greatest and most destructive wars of mankind we will never survive without the direct intervention of God himself. The best thing anyone can do is stop supporting all religions until they admit the truth and change. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. That is why we kill and hate each other. The tree of knowledge of Good and evil in the garden was a metaphor for the demons which lived in the DNA of the tree which entered mankind when Adam and Eve ate of the tree the disembodied spirits became part of our DNA all the hateful things of an older creation was brought back alive by the disembodied spirits permitted to live in mankind soul. Demons were stripped of souls and the only way they can feel anything is to be attached to a human soul this is the original sin of the bible. When Mary was born without sin it means that her mother and 10 generations before her was not cursed by God and was demon free by the blessings of God. It doesn't make Mary a "Goddess" like "pagan Christianity pretends" it just makes her demon free. Our world is insane our leadership by its nature reflects our insanity. Letter sent to bill gates" <[email protected]>, "bill gates" <[email protected]>, "bill gates" [email protected] Bill Gates, well one thing he isn’t stupid, spent less time writing to him than a few letters the next thing I hear he plans on giving away 90% of wealth. RIGHT AFTER THE RETURN OF THE OF THE LORD. Since God was going to take it away anyway he did the only thing that could save it. Read this and understand. Chapter 16 1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore. And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. world And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. mammon He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Understand this Bill Gates if you want your name off the . Nicolaitanes’ Prayer. Not one dime is to go any charity that teaches the trinity doctrine if you want God to count towards repayment of his gift of wealth to you. Every dime you give to the beast will count as a curse not a blessing for you. Anything directly given to the poor counts if doesn’t profit a religious organization increasing their power in the world. How Demons control the leadership of the Religions of the God of Abraham..... ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers 147 Baptist Ministers 251 "Bible" Church Ministers (fundamentalist/evangelical) 140 Anglican/Episcopalian Ministers 38 Lutheran Ministers 46 Methodist Ministers 19 Presbyterian Ministers 197 various Church Ministers demon logic My main interest is dealing with more important and higher cast demonic forces. Jesus found it necessary for my lovely family to be host for these ancient generational religious demons and permitted the demons limited freedom concerning me. These demons generally travel from one human host to the next generation via sexual molestation. That is much more common in families of Paid Divine office holders generally they travel with associated alcoholic and drug demons which can some times manifest themselves through human host both older and younger inciting the generational demons to exchange places between different host within the same family almost like a virus using sexual contact as the entry point into each others souls. I can only be blunt concerning these matters I don't have a very strong journalistic background. Sexual temptation in families with a stepparent is not uncommon and in paid divine office holders even their natural children can be acquired-targets of ancient enemies of Christ. This is not theory this is fact.
    I understand the temptation and once explained to the daughter that was rescued from her biological drunken Dad named Lee that her idea about marrying a step dad was illegal and against Christ law. She used to say to my baby daughter {whom Christ gave us as a present through friends of my oldest daughter}" I use to be daddies favorite until you came along you little brat". I understood the emotions in her soul to come from the poison fruit of molestation done to her by Lee who gave her at 11 years old to a friend for helping him get a job on the before Christ could have Lillian and I rescue her. A racist judge who hated Alaskan natives stole Lillian's three children and gave them to a drunken vile man who used alcoholic spite to punish Lillian for leaving him by hurting the children. So the demons left that stinking smelly bearded waste of human skin and went into my beautiful and lovely little 11 year-old step daughter. This poison fruit always concerned me because she acted out certain behavior in choosing men out of reaction to her understandable hatred for her biological Dad. Only after my Beatific Vision did I accept that her choice was OK in Christ eyes and therefore she has my unconditional and unrestricted support in her use of logic and I am sorry for letting my fear for her motivations interfere with family enjoyment. I always enjoyed her she reminded me of her mother she has all of her mothers courage and her beauty as well. Demons can also be passed on via birth. In families with long lines of Paid Office holders these demons can travel through uncles to nephews and even sons molesting sisters or nieces. The demons know how to travel through time. They need human souls to feel things in this divine grammar school of time distance and space. Their souls was destroyed along with their physical bodies by Christ who tired of their arrogance and prideful nature. Hence the first cardinal sin Pride. The first one guilty of Pride was Lucifer. Christ decided not to waste them so he made them into helpless parasitic spirits only real power is LIES. Once someone is around demon-logic they can separate it from human logic. First understand that demons rule people by emotions. They set up situations in people mind like a projectionist in a movie theater. They feed on sexuality as we do on water. They can only come close to the feeling of joy they lost when Christ kicked them out of the first creation by feeling that power in human sexuality. Human sexuality the feeling of rapture comes as a small indication of what it is like in Christ presence. Except the rapture is sustained at a level than no created being could possible reproduce bio-chemically and not explode. The demons cannot be described in any true physical representative way because a spirit has no body just pure intellect. They do strive to restructure the facial features to represent what shape their soul was in before destruction. The tools used to do this sculpting are emotions and emotional turmoil. The ancient Greeks best described this intellect as a machine creating an independent product (demon) separate from the machine (physical body) an independent life of its own from the machine creating it (demon) existing after the machine was destroyed by Christ. The Greeks explored the nature of man as we explored the Geography of our earth. Unfortunately they were demon ruled in this exploration. This does explain some of the problems of the Roman Church concerning child molestation and in truth their requirement for celibacy as a strict rule has some strong spiritual foundation perhaps its only true spiritual purpose. Perhaps if those whom Christ gave the spiritual knowledge concerning demons had enough courage to teach about it we would not have the hellish conditions we live under today due to the cowardice of "Men of God" who thought having telethon's to swell their bank accounts was doing Christ's commission. I diverse and since Christ's is going to lay their backs wide open with the same kind of whip used on him I don't have to be concerned about my little bit of anger. Yes he will, and he will not hold back. The same force and pain he felt will be used against every paid divine office holder who is not in the Perfect Will of Christ. Only a few of the divine office holders will be spared this punishment. Most receive it for believing false doctrine and teaching it a large portion for failing to do things out of self imposed spiritual blindness this is for men who may not have committed any really overt and "major" sin in their ministry. The thieves and scoundrels will wish they were born deaf dumb and blind. Demons downplayed scripture in these men's mind and ruled them to do the easy "safe" path in their career and this "lukewarm" attitude just "pisses" Christ off real bad. No other word describes his mood better concerning this matter. I warned you I am not a journalist. These demons have grown so strong in the leadership that Christ has given 144,000 men in each generation of his living generational Bride the power and authority to strike down any man ruled by these demons stone cold dead by the power of their words alone. He hid this knowledge in this book eaten by John the apostle in the Book of Revelations to be revealed at this time in man's history. Until now this knowledge has existed in the spirit of the 144,000 dormant waiting to be brought alive by the power of the Holy Spirit for service in this last Great Battle showing the Power and Majesty of the word of God for all time. Demon's rule is over, I wrote on June 25, 2002 that the divine protection covering the "Men of God" ruling his Bride is herby revoked by the authority of Jesus Christ to demonstrate how he will punish the Demonic Control Whore of revelation for her sins through the living word existing and living in his 144,000 witness's who don't know or need each other to exercise this power. I am looking forward to each pain filled day of my life now knowing that Christ loved me so much as to use me as a living stone in his beautiful creation. No one knows how much joy I feel after writing things that please Christ. My soul soars and cannot describe how loving and wonderful Christ is to me and then hear him say that I am the first man in a thousand years willing to go along with him to obtain this gift is mind boggling. I know each step of the way he asked me permission and I never knew what he was asking permission all I said do what ever you want just don't let my family be touched by it. Protect my children and wife. You go ahead do what ever you want with me. Then he let me see the demons controlling their thoughts driving their emotions and I understood why they acted out things from the hell of their living with Lee and reproducing hellish marriages under the same demon. I saw the demon's torment my wife from all the abuse she suffered under from all men even me, I saw the pain of my daughters and the hell they still lived in and my poor Buzz still running away like the little starved 4 foot ten inch 80 lb starved 15 year old finally freed from a drunken demonic bum of a biological waste of skin of a dad. No matter how many gallons of whole milk I let him drown in and no matter how many herds of cows I fed him only his body grew to six feet and 160 lbs the soul in him still a child like being tormented by that same demonic spirit that ruled Lee. Christ did free him of much demonic baggage but he must work hard to dig out the deep infection from the family generational demon that is still stealing his joy. To understand the power of demons over mankind one must love to study history have it come alive in the mind's eye to relive the past as Walter Mitty a grunt in ancient armies and jester in Kings courts of empires dust before our nation was walked on by any Europeans and have Love of God & his word exceeding love of history adding hunger to touch a real "Holy Grail" one true purpose in life then see demons' invisible hand in History as clearly as the written human hand mankind reads and understands. To understand the Demon is much easier. Every human being is affected by demons they infect generations of people study demons at a one to one level go no further than your family. Look into your own soul first then observe your family examine your own thoughts first find that which is contrary to the word of God and find its origin you will see the face of the "invisible" demon scurrying from your mind's eye. The power of disembodied creature without even a soul (Angels inhabit Souls) an a spirit is limited to telepathic communication when stripped of total physicality, demons disembodied spirits' only power is telling lies wisely enough to fool any human being without divine enlightenment and stupid enough to presume he is immune from such "satanic creatures" reserved for all those "sinners" and non Baptist, Catholics, Pentecostal, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, or any other man made religion using yesterdays news reports what God is doing as a basis for belief for today. Christ has a plan for all mankind. Demons are only useful for controlling the lost in Christ plans. The Jewish Church used Mosaic Law as a way to wage spiritual combat and depended on the Torah for Salvation. Messianic Jewish Christians have the best of both if they aren't fooled by false doctrines and become as blinded as the "Wild Olive" vine grafted in for all of Mankind's salvation. The Jewish people never was lost contrary to all the Nazi's from Rome or the hillbilly's from the bible-belt (The Lord Jesus Christ does not wear a cowboy hat or spurs) and the Islamic people don't go to a little dog heaven or a colored only heaven, they have the same father the blond hair blue eyed Hitler youth had tricked by an ancient demon embodied in Adolph Hitler who almost repeated conquering the world again just as he did with Alexander the great currently living in Arafat and brother demon in Saddam ( Stalin's Demon). The people are human horses you have to get rid of the jockey to stop the horse from running over the people in order to win in a demonic race.

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