Your formatting is shyte. I'm not going to even attempt to eat a meal that's done a dozen rounds in a cement-mixer...
Return of the Christ: too much religion not enough GOD
by enochrodofiron 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
***I am here for those wanting to read whatt I write not for those who don't.***
Troll, you're posting on a public forum, where everyone is free to read and comment on what you write. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. -
senior demon < Troll like demons are your little creatures which are about to be done in again ( destroyed just like the last time)........anyone can comment, but if they do they will find that the payment will be extracted by the demons that control them not me................................The Hidden Book is the same as the Book of revelations it fits into chapter 10................... Understand that any illegal copies made and published by any person without the permission of Enoch will be dealt with by Christ and not some phony lawyer in a business suit this hidden Book of Revelations is restricted any one reading it unauthorized will be subject to the hatred and fury of the Demons which they foolishly. 1.) Refused to believe are real ( 2) Foolishly had contempt for (3) these Demons will seek your death to keep you silent. (4)Only those who have need to know have permission until general book is published (5) Government leaders, mass media owners, publishers, LDS Apostles and twenty four elders, ministers of the Scriptural Church and family, friends and relatives notified by Enoch of his vision after April 4, 2002. (6) This book carries the same Curse of other Bible Books where only the scripture writer and Christ has permission to change anything in it under penalty of Death.
only want one percent of the people who bother to read everything that means most of you will not receive answers. Since most of the time I get insults and remarks from fossile fuel I ignore I am sorry if you are not part of the 99% that must have a Christ recrucified every year during the prime time sweeps to maintain and interest in God. But until God kills the four billion people in the next 36 months I have to put up with them. Please forgive me if I seem cold but most of the four billion deserve it.Now the one percent rejoice the time is coming to an end when we will not have to suffer fools anymore. FORWARD The purpose of book is to give FAIR WARNING to paid divine office holders who preached, taught, ruled, directed any work relying on the scripture concerning TITHES and presumed that they were SCRIPTURAL SOUND simply because The Lord Jesus Christ didn't walk up to you in person and tell you how far out of line your foolish presumption put you. From time to time you will be insulted, lectured at treated as though a simple seamen generally sorely abused. This is the impression I worked hard to give. ONE PERCENT OF MEN OF GOD WHO READ THIS WILL CORRECT THEIR MINISTRY. The exact number Christ told me. The rest of the 99% will spend a few centuries working for the one percent, who in turn will take instruction from me. You will of course want scripture to back up claim. It is Revelations. Read it now and ask Christ to show you my authority after binding the ruling Demons in your soul. OR READ IT AFTER YOUR PILLSBURY DOUGH SOUL IS LAID OPEN WITH STRIPES WHEN HIS KINGDOM ROLLS OVER YOU AS YOU WONDER WHAT HAPPEN. Just so you have perfect understanding looking forward to seeing most religious frauds being unmasked and punished. No phony Jim Bakker tears, no phony Jim Swaggart tears saying I have sinned, yes Jimmy you did but beating the poor working girl out of ten dollars was a good indication how miserable a soul you are. Expect puffed up Jerry Falwell being deflated not when Christ comes back but now by True Men of God in his own Church. Understand what to expect GOOD BE PREPARED TO DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TOLD ANY ATTEMPT OF DECEPTION AND YOU WILL FALL INTO THE SAME AREA OF THAT LOST FOOL WARNED IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. . . TO THE ONE PERCENT. WELCOME BOYS HE IS COMING BACK AND YOU GOT FRONT ROW SEATS TO THE BIGGEST COMING OUT PARTY IN ALL OF ETERNITY. EVERYTHING YOU DID THE HARD WAY WAS REALLY THE EASIEST WAY. ORDERS FROM CHRIST WE HAVE 150 MILLION CHRISTIANS TO FREE FROM THE FALSE CHURCH. Trust Christ do what you already have been doing follow some simple and helpful guide lines and we will first rid the Bride of the Den of thieves then we will use the same guide lines on the government and get rid of the shell game going on now that has bankrupted our country for the benefit of a few thieves and Government Officials. . . You are Christ's Generals and I am his Lieutenant BOOK HIDDEN IN SPIRIT DURING BEATIFIC VISION. . Warriors of Christ proclaim was worth every tear, every painful insult, injury, every lie used against them all things stolen & destroyed serving Christ. Write this book reporting Christ doing the hard things requiring only my permission in battle for life was rewarded seeing reality just out of reach of five senses. Shown control of everything in our physical universe inside the mind of God. This book is meant for Christians and other Children of God ordained in his Kingdom. . Know one and all that God reserves salvation unto him. He may use any judgment he wishes without regard of what any man may think. Those who don't believe in God don't read this book it will only make you unable to sleep for the rest of your life. Losing illusion of freedom causing commitment to nut house or commit suicide. Spiritual reason why nut houses exist illusion any church can save you. That lie will be eliminated from the knowledge you receive from this book. . The really sad part is this. I really don't care what happens to you. All that concern's me is the saved being torn apart trying to do God's will. Get in the way of helping anyone of them I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO ASK CHRIST STRIKE YOU DEAD TO GET YOU OUT OF THE WAY. To any child of God know that the corporate church, which is led by the same demons that nailed Christ to the Cross, has made your walk harder. . True Men of God understand this helpless if they wanted to "Get along in the Business of Religion". This Book will free ministry from demon filled leadership in Churches. The False Scriptural Church has many Men of God True Church has fewer. . The True Church suffers from Ruling Demons formerly of Kingdom Judea not caring about God's salvation for Gentile world some times including non-Pentecostal brothers willing all but them sent to hell. Needless to say even a child would understand that if God loved being merciful to one part of humanity would not be capable of hating the rest of his creation. . However these religious demons are ancient deceiving humans easily they don't follow any rules getting into a six year old boy or girl by causing human host into molesting transferring to the child there preferred way to travel in time. The strongest of this class of demon comes from the ones that concentrate on "Men of God" anyone involved with the business of religion, Churches, Schools, and Day Care Centers. . Demons as a rule love to go to Church hung around Heaven things of God for millions of years before we started as a life form. They belong to a creation that caused Christ such anger he disembodied them not even retaining a soul. They can only exist as an intelligence touching between two artificial realities no power of movement without a spiritual host they can be dealt with by higher spiritual beings Angels of both Divine and anti divine class. . All of these beings exist Hollywood done a better job making them into established fact than the corporate church and Christ knows that. And he will bless those writers who fled the Corrupt Corporate Church with Christ given talent keeping spiritual warfare level for Bride of Christ surviving corrupt rule by Religious Whore controlling the corporate Church. Yes that is what I said, Hollywood is holier than Rome, or any other religious organization that has fed on the wealth of the Bride of Christ done nothing but stuff fat greedy mouths with food meant for starving children and dying people all over the world. Christ holds them accountable for every penny they stole. Not what you expected to read in a Bible Book think how it will be when they make a TV movie with actors that look like all those Television preachers. Men who love to be in front of the camera think holding rich widows dying hands receiving honest money other men worked and died to leave a family legacy stolen by a False Pastor certain Christ's will to receive money didn't have scriptural right to. See that familiar preacher with a computer generated demon grinning already planned to waste money on some temple building in competition with brother demon sitting on another television ministers shoulder. These demons have been in competition for centuries. Playing the same scam on generation after generation of human host all men of God. The Holy Ghost is my ghostwriter. Christ told me before I typed a single letter of this book he already has a publisher waiting. The reason Christ wants this Book written besides correcting his ministers is to eliminate all demonic influence in all power structures infected with these ruling demons. The business of charity in this nation is just that business. Most money is foolishly wasted on ADMINISTRATION COST FOOLISH DUPLICATION AND DEVICES TO MAKE RICH PEOPLE RICHER. Christ will bring that to a screeching halt. Understand this, demons are not powerful they can be eliminated. Kingdoms carefully built over two thousand years can be destroyed by words the exact purpose of this book. In order to really understand demon control over a human being realize a few things. . First you are never alone. All of those who lived and died can see and hear anything in this physical universe. Second those who have lost out on the Christian crowns are still saved happier than most on this side of the grave (most not all). Those who missed out because too concerned about money, sex, drugs, or, didn't care and not believing are not necessarily burning in hell that call is made by God as to who burns and who is just left out of reward or punishment. . The thing I can say with absolute certainty no matter what happens that person will say under all circumstances God is fair agree any judgment merciful. The two classes of human beings that will suffer the strongest judgment on the unsaved side Lawyers as an occupation are going to hell just like Christ promised. I don't have to even explain that to most people. In fact the cheering from those screwed by Lawyers is deafening in Heaven and Hell. Those lawyers who loved God will be so honored they will have single digit address in heaven. I know both of them. Men who used the things of God to do evil are not False Sheppard's but an Evil Sheppard. Some of Satan's angels will not suffer as much as these men. On the Saved side is drunks drugs addicts died while being ruled by demons providing at one time in their life was taught salvation knew enough to believe in the name alone will see God. Here is the kicker they will see God before many men of God will. I hope every body that collected money in Christ name demanding tithes brow beating his Church with guilt about not giving them money read this. This class of human being is held to a higher standard than any other human being. They put themselves into a grave judgment area. They are lined up with the leaders of the Sanhedrin. . . There are two ways to mess up spiritually in this area assume what you were taught is true. This mistake was made by 90% of all ministers in churches worldwide. All of these ministries are subject first to scriptural legitimacy to the five fold offices ordained by Christ in Acts 2 vs. 37 & 38 God's name the Lord Jesus Christ. The legal and only authorized baptism simply no discussion about using any doctrines brought in by a pagan Roman King. Demonic inspired changes in the teachings of Christ by pagan roman political religionist. Demons taking charge of Christian congregations against Christ's divine will. . Children know that Christ commanded no Idols no other gods but him. All the pagan roman doctrines exist in over ninety percent of the corporate Christian church. Every corporate Christian church teaching the trinity is a false church with a false baptism. Since all divine offices are received at baptism all these men are scriptural unauthorized hence a false Shepard. The demons, which have ruled the world, could not kill Christian believers as fast as the Gospel was making them. To understand why the word of God made a bigger difference in first century until middle of the third century to this present day demands an understanding of history. The entire world was enslaved and ruled by a small circle of families who lived in Rome. The slaves in many ways were less enslaved in spirit than we are today. The biggest difference knowledge of enslavement, which presents day believers & unbelievers, don't realize. The real masters have not changed same demons ruled the world then rule the world now. Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ". What happened to those demons ruling the Roman Empire? Demons don't die; no retirement plan, and they are workaholics. They went one human host to another generation after generation using proven tactics never letting them down in battle for humanity. Christ himself came walked the earth ripped off the cloak hiding them exposed them to his Bride. These Demons succeeded in provoking his death not understanding it was the biggest mistake in the war. Now Christ can give anyone he wants an 'get out of hell card' leaving them still in damnation. Talk about being pissed glad I wasn't at his satanic kingdom company's annual party, was Satan ticked. After three hundred years of trying to murdering all the Christians and filling up heaven with absolutely joy filled saints having a ball going into dreams of friends, relatives preaching Christ causing an explosive increase of saints. The demons realized they could not stop transforming nature of the Gospel. They needed damage control modern term 'spin control' on the word of God. First Step confusion what is God's name (tactics used by ruling demon in President Clinton). They wanted to stop the power of the word of God. Christians had this little game they played hiding in plain site, churches disguised like ancestral shrines, Shrine of Father, son, and Holy Ghost. Christians knew the riddle The Lord Jesus Christ later demons used as doctrine for Demonical Roman State Church hence the doctrine of the trinity. Yes the only power a demon uses, lies, they know who to spread them to for greatest effect. Demons are more common on Christians than fleas on Dogs only real difference dogs knows it is a flea hurting doesn't blame another dog exactly what Christians do, blame another human not demon controlling the Christian. And it is this reason why Christ will hold Men of God to a higher standard of Behavior and responsibility. Some one wanting a divine office find out whom you are working for first stopping a Demon working you. . . Mis-appropriating tithes without scriptural authority using the name of the Lord Jesus Christ spending To Serve False Doctrine from instructions of ruling demon in pagan roman king who didn't even bother be baptized under any name until he was dying. This is the same mistake made by the Northern Kingdom using a illegal sacrifice to rid the Kingdom of its sin because it was a political decision made to prevent the 10 tribes from going to Jerusalem every year as instructed by Moses. Don't plan on telling Christ that is just a little mistake not your fault. All of those little mistakes day after day year after year century after century have made life on this side of the grave a lot closer to hell on earth than heaven on earth. For your information Christ relayed this little bit of knowledge about how much damage this little mistake cost. The Bride could have Christ return a thousand years ago IF THEIR WAS ENOUGH FAITH AND THE DOCTRINES WERE TAUGHT PROPERLY BY SPIRIT FILLED AND RULED MEN SAVING BILLIONS OF HUMANS LIVES AND NEVER HAVING THE WORLD WARS. FALSE DOCTRINE BROUGHT THE DARK AGES ON AND IT TOOK 1000 YEARS LONGER THAN CHRIST PERFECT WILL DUE TO THE FAILURE OF CHURCH LEADERSHIP. Tell your wives what ever you want don't tell me any lies. I know what Christ told you long before you ever got anointed for any office. The same thing he told me a few month after revealing himself as the everyday God of my Childhood in the same white light Vision he gave Paul the apostle. LEARN OF ME STUDY MY WORD TREAD CAREFULLY YOUR LIFE AND SOUL ARE ON THE LINE. I AM HE WHO IS, CLOSER TO YOU THAN YOUR SKIN. FOCUS ON THE SPIRIT DON'T BE CONCERNED WITH THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD. I HAVE WORK FOR YOU SPIRITUAL WORK. . Not lifetime employment. Listening to men who made pagan teachings equal to scripture is a much bigger mistake than the Jewish Pharisees made. Christ scolded them for far less of a scriptural in fraction than what the false church done in twisting his word into a revenue cash cow. They lived under the boot of a roman conqueror every scripture pertaining to the Priest and Pharisees can be directly applied to the False Church with the false baptism. Failure to take due diligence in handling the things of God usually brought Death in order for the lesson to be brought home. In order to see this through Christ eyes think that instead of the Priest demanding 10% tithes on top of Roman Taxes that the Romans were paying the Pharisees 10% for helping to control the enslavement of his children. That the Pharisees sold out to the Romans and served them more than even the nation of Judea. That is EXACTLY THE WAY GOD SEES IT. This corruption of God's word also opened the door for the demons to shape the scriptural church into a twisted whorish image and robbing the transformation power of the word of God in believer's lives. Men of God listen closely you are given an opportunity to correct this now. Many sincere Godly men worked their adult life in true service, receive no credit other than soul winner, (if they escape punishment) every one in heaven is witnessing the truth being read. Failure to handle this matter will bring about the same judgment reserved for a thief in the Old Testament, restitution of money demanded from the Bride even if it takes 800 to 900 years to work it off. The message from the throne is simple. Men of God you were more concerned about the IRS rules than the divine word, how is that any different from the Pharisees that nailed Christ to a tree. This is God's way to show people how wrong the leadership of the Church is. Our Lord is writing this. Men of God separate your ministry from the roman whore. First render unto the United States Government what belongs to the Government. Christ Bride was suppose to feel the pain of this life first not last. We were suppose to be the head not the tale we were to be the teeth biting into the world with word of God bringing honesty, fairness, justice, equality, and judgment. What did the whore do well first thing she made sure she was exempt from any government property tax, she owns Baltimore, The Roman demons used ancient roman business arrangements teaching all churches filled with controlling demons transferred into each religious bodies. Demons first true equal opportunity employers will put everybody to work. The Ruling Demon ruling all Churches instructed U.S. Government to operate as she does. Elected Officials are the other side of the Roman coin; you cannot bribe an elected official because a bribe isn't a bribe when using the correct form. Who taught our government how to work so well? The same whore who sold indulgences do what you want, paying the right amount. Leaders of religion through out history 3000 BC to this Church age ALL RULED BY THE SAME DEMON. Why more Presidents were the sons of Preachers than any other occupation. Until this Book gets read they will still being adding that to their speeches. Want to hear the United States Government scream rape? Right after they read this Book knowing what will happen after Christ straightens out his Church. Our U.S. Government HOLDING A BAG FILLED WITH STOLEN LOOT not able to run from Enlighten and Enraged People hungry for justice. Interesting fact most Congressmen are Lawyers. Demons are so similar they look the same. Entering into families generation to generation. Demons will change human appearance into demonic resemblance. Pure Bloodlines didn't start with Adolph Hitler he was only trying to codify demon nobility according to his Satanic Masters Instruction. Read how Pope Pius the XII corpse smelt horrible from the ruling nazi demons his carcass could not stay on display without people getting sick. Ruling Roman Demon hid his face from the Christian children enslaved by this ancient demonic religious system but could not rewrite the history books quick enough to see millions come out of her because of the World War II she started and lost. What could you expect from a demonically controlled being who was responsible for a Vatican Agreement Blessing Adolph Hitler as the Roman Catholic Guardian of Northern Europe receiving 5% of every Catholic paying income tax to Hitler through all Nazi controlled Europe from 1939 final payment in 1945. Have a better reason for giving SS Masters Vatican passports fleeing into Roman Catholic controlled fascist South American countries. Even this Polish Pope curses him remembering the demonic monster and soldier boy. The Old man forgiving boy who shot him, knowing demons makes puppets of men. Present Pope hands are tied, trying his best stopping demons using priest to molest children, don't hate the Pope feel sorrow, grief for him. Few would be able to handle demonic baggage he deals with. Twentieth Century Popes resembled his spirit we wouldn't known world wars. That is how powerful politically the Roman Catholic Church is still doesn't change fact True man of God will not receive divine authority in a false Church. Christ word will stand forever religion dies daily. find the rest on web
But until God kills the four billion people in the next 36 months I have to put up with them. Please forgive me if I seem cold but most of the four billion deserve it.
Okay, that did it! I rarely do things like this but:
Piss off!
You need professional medical attention hon.
I have too many e mails too read now, so for the one percent of you that are not filled with hate, anger, and rage over what I write find me on the web or one of the groups that publish what I write without restriction. In order to complete the form posted on the web to have it collectable contact a group that has permission to make it authorized. You should have enough information to reach me if you work at it, make sure you put Hidden Book in subject line, nonsense disallows any authorization. Forty months from now the collectable copy of the last chapter will be worth more than the house you are living in .if you are still alive……………….
No I am not JW, LDS, or any other denomination, I believe in the God of Abraham not any religion I believe ALL RELIGION IS CONTROLLED BY LUCIFIER I am Enoch rod of iron: I will reward those who stand by me now openly and make them the Nobility for the next thousand years. I will be ashamed of those who are ashamed of me and so will Christ. Count on it. Any man of God who received money teaching that Christ will reward the giver belongs to the rod of iron for one thousand years. Whether he be a administrator or a slave depends upon what he does now before Christ returns concerning the Hidden Book .....................HELL DISLIKES WHAT I WRITE.......................We must act as one against the beast. We must think as a government in exile. Let us learn to do so. We must remember that we must all hang together otherwise we will surely be hanged separately, Benjamin Franklyn.
Let us examine other governments in Exile to learn the logic and the means to passively resist the beast but keep spiritual pressure on all world leaders to remind them as they watch Saddam Hussein in trial that it is a precursor to all those that exercise authority now that Christ is coming and he is not deceived as the children are by the False church and her “good works” Lets find out everything we can on the Tibet government in Exile. Nicolaitanes’ Prayer. Let the Elocution of my lips dull the illumination of your children grant me all the money they seek to bribe you with O Lord. Hide from sight the poor starving masses unless I need them for TV props for my show. Forbid the governments from showing my Palaces condemn them that tell the truth about my crimes. Give me the politicians who conspire with me to keep our World in Hell. Lift up my giving bus fare to the public eye of all those I mugged of the money that was meant for them. Let not the modern robes I wear on Sunday remind the people of the High Priest, who nailed you to a tree, for all that I have gained don’t come to prove to the world that I am as those who laughed, jeered as they whipped you 1972 years ago. Have Ted Turner, Bill Gates, George Bush Kill the Edward who you call Enoch before someone actually hears what he is saying. In the name of TBN and the Panzer Cardinal I pray....OUR WORLD IS INSANE............The engine to our economy is fueled by the cooperation of everyone believing in a lie, this is called consumer confidence. If everyone realized our world is insane the world would not be able to continue on wasting resources and people would not be permitted to be billionaires while others starved. That is why we have men with guns called armies and men with smaller guns called police. And the fact that people are tired of the insanity make the Police look for bigger guns. All the problems of inequity COULD BE resolved peaceful if the people with power permitted the rest of the world to share in the resources of the world which doesn’t belong to the people with money but the people without money who supply the resources. This is why we have armies this why we have armies in the Middle East now. Our leaders don’t lead they follow the trail of money into an abyss of the unknown at the end of which is extinction. Religion far from being the answer is the main problem. The biggest threat to world peace is the leadership of all three major religions. The leadership of the religions of the God of Abraham have nothing to do with the actual God of Abraham they represent the Lucifierian worship of the God of Abraham. Everyone forgets that Lucifer was the second most powerful being in existence. And his job was worship leader and he was very good at it and still is. As long as the paid religionist controls the money of those who love God Satan will control the governments and the world. Religion is evil itself not God religion when put in the place of God serves Satan not God. God never needed temples mankind did, they need needed temples because the priest needed job security and the building needed money to stay fix up and the people had to give the money to priest to keep the temple up. When the messiah to over two billion people came to earth the High priest nailed him to a tree because he preached against the thieves’ liars and frauds called moneychangers which worked for the High Priest. The High priest a precursor to the Pope manipulated the pagan roman government into murdering Christ in the most dehumanizing way because he dared touched the money or income of the temple. 2,000 years later and nothing changed. The sins of the paid religionist will cause the greatest and most destructive wars mankind will never survive without the direct intervention of God himself. The best thing anyone can do is stop supporting all religions until they admit the truth and change. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. That is why we kill and hate each other. The tree of knowledge of Good and evil in the garden was a metaphor for the demons which lived in the DNA of the tree which entered mankind when Adam and Eve ate of the tree the disembodied spirits became part of our DNA all the hateful things of an older creation was brought back alive by the disembodied spirits permitted to live in mankind soul. Demons were stripped of souls and the only way they can feel anything is to be attached to a human soul this is the original sin of the bible. When Mary was born without sin it means that her mother and 10 generations before her was not cursed by God and was demon free by the blessings of God. It doesn't make Mary a "Goddess" like "pagan Christianity pretends" it just makes her demon free. Our world is insane our leadership by its nature reflects our insanity. -
I don't hate you, but I detest your hate-filled rhetoric.
Since you lay no claim to being anything to do with the JWs, what are you doing here, stirring up the worn old propaganda of imminent destruction? Do people really deserve to die by the billion?
Go away and bug some other group who might have time for your messiah-complex, alternatively I can find you a nice ward where you can join the rest of them...
I am unfamilar with this format.........I don't understand the significance of the burning files and non burning files icons.........worse I am not that interested in what it means since my time here is meant only for the person God wants me to inform of about the assignment. as far as the "peanut gallery" I consider them the same as the morans in classroom that sit and throw spit balls,...............who failed to grow up just old instead .................
To: [email protected]
Subject: Enoch to Pantcheez og 187 187
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:07 PMyou are friends with 700 club and CBN, ? Warn them.
--> Open rebuke is better than secret love.
-->6--> Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of
an enemy are deceitful.
-->7--> The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry
soul every bitter thing is sweet.
Enochrodofiron wrote: COUNCIL OF GRAD
STUDENTS – GENERAL…….Regent University
The nation's academic center for Christian thought and action.
It's more than a description of Regent University - it's a way of
life. As America's premier graduate school dedicated to combining quality
education with biblical teachings, Regent continues to produce
Christian leaders who will make a difference, who will change the
world………………………………Attn: COUNCIL OF GRAD STUDENTS – GENERAL …………You have been lied to
and deceived. Far from crowns most men of God will receive stripes on
their back for teaching false doctrine and sins of omissions in order
to keep a comfortable salesmen job, selling the word of God. You may
never receive this e mail those that do prevent it reaching others will
wish to God almighty they became bar tenders instead of “men of God”. (click on)
Christ notified the Church leadership about starting the last week of years
back up (about the seven years before his return) every "man of God"
was too busy counting money to listen to anything except how the
collection plate was doing, exactly how is that any different than
what the moneychangers did in the temple?
I am Enoch rod of iron: I will reward those who stand by me now openly
and make them the Nobility for the next thousand years. I will be
ashamed of those who are ashamed of me and so will Christ. Count on it. Any
man of God who received money teaching that Christ will reward the
giver belongs to the rod of iron for one thousand years. Whether he be a
administrator or a slave depends upon what he does now before Christ
returns concerning the Hidden Book .....................HELL DISLIKES WHAT
I WRITE.......................
We must act as one against the beast. We must think as a government
in exile. Let us learn to do so. We must remember that we must all hang
together otherwise we will surely be hanged separately, Benjamin
Let us examine other governments in Exile to learn the logic and the
means to passively resist the beast but keep spiritual pressure on all
world leaders to remind them as they watch Saddam Hussein in trial that
it is a precursor to all those that exercise authority now that Christ
is coming and he is not deceived as the children are by the False
church and her “good works” Lets find out everything we can on the Tibet
government in Exile. Nicolaitanes’ Prayer.
Let the Elocution of my lips dull the illumination of your children
grant me all the money they seek to bribe you with O Lord. Hide from sight
the poor starving masses unless I need them for TV props for my show.
Forbid the governments from showing my Palaces condemn them that tell
the truth about my crimes. Give me the politicians who conspire with me
to keep our World in Hell. Lift up my giving bus fare to the public eye
of all those I mugged of the money that was
meant for them. Let not the modern robes I wear on Sunday remind the
people of the High Priest, who nailed you to a tree, for all that I
have gained don’t come to prove to the world that I am as those who
laughed, jeered as they whipped you 1972 years ago. Have Ted Turner, Bill
Gates, George Bush Kill the Edward who you call Enoch before someone
actually hears what he is saying. In the name of TBN and the Panzer
Cardinal I pray....OUR WORLD IS INSANE............The engine to our economy is
fueled by the cooperation of everyone believing in a lie, this is
called consumer confidence. If everyone realized our world is insane the
world would not be able to continue on wasting resources and people would
not be permitted to be billionaires while others starved. That is why
we have men with guns called armies and men with smaller guns called
police. And the fact that people are tired of the insanity make the Police
look for bigger guns. All the problems of inequity COULD BE
resolved peaceful if the people with power permitted the rest of the
world to share in the resources of the world which doesn’t belong to the
people with money but the people without money who supply the
resources. This is why we have armies this why we have armies in the Middle East
now. Our leaders don’t lead they follow the trail of money into an
abyss of the unknown at the end of which is extinction. Religion far from
being the answer is the main problem. The biggest threat to world peace
is the leadership of all three major religions. The leadership of the
religions of the God of Abraham have nothing to do with the actual God
of Abraham they represent the Lucifierian worship of the God of Abraham.
Everyone forgets that Lucifer was the second most powerful being in
existence. And his job was worship leader and he was very good at it and
still is. As long as the paid religionist controls the money of those
who love God Satan will control the governments and the world.
Religion is evil itself not God religion when put in the place of God
serves Satan not God. God never needed temples mankind did, they need
needed temples because the priest needed job security and the building
needed money to stay fix up and the people had to give the money to
priest to keep the temple up. When the messiah to over two billion people
came to earth the High priest nailed him to a tree because he preached
against the thieves’ liars and frauds called moneychangers which worked
for the High Priest. The High priest a precursor to the Pope
manipulated the pagan roman government into murdering Christ in the most
dehumanizing way because he dared touched the money or income of the temple.
2,000 years later and nothing changed. The sins of the paid religionist
will cause the greatest and most destructive wars of mankind we will
never survive without the direct intervention of God himself. The best
thing anyone can do is stop supporting all religions until they
admit the truth and change. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and
it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against
Abel his brother, and slew him. That is why we kill and hate each
other. The tree of knowledge of Good and evil in the garden was a metaphor
for the demons which lived in the DNA of the tree which entered mankind
when Adam and Eve ate of the tree the disembodied spirits became part
of our DNA all the hateful things of an older creation was brought back
alive by the disembodied spirits permitted to live in mankind soul.
Demons were stripped of souls and the only way they can feel anything is
to be attached to a human soul this is the original sin of the bible.
When Mary was born without sin it means that her mother and 10
generations before her was not cursed by God and was demon free by the blessings
of God. It doesn't make Mary a "Goddess" like "pagan Christianity
pretends" it just makes her demon free. Our world is insane our
leadership by its nature reflects our insanity.