Pinch ME Please I Must be Dreaming!

by Cassiline 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    I felt a great disturbance in the force.

    I felt really hot and scared and strange earlier, and my heart beat sped up. Not long after I was in the doctors waiting room and heard the news...

  • myMichelle

    Truly an astounding day.

    My heart goes out to all those people who have lost family and friends in this horrific act.

    I am also worried for those people living in America who are of Middle East origin. Hot-headed, stupid people seem to make it their business to retaliate against innocents who are of the "wrong" national origin.


  • Bridgette

    One of my first thoughts, also, was that this was an inside job (i.e., Timothy McVeighish). I, too am concerned for all those of middle eastern descent who live peaceably here. I hope no one else gets hurt.
    I did not see the dancing in the streets of Palestine, but heard about it. Just like here in America, there are good and bad, there are greedy and generous, fanatic and level headed. I know the good people of the globe are mourning with the rest of the human family.
    What this has done for me, is make me far more sensitive to the tragedies going on daily around the globe.
    We're a family. And I hurt.

  • Cassiline

    Your comment reminds me of a movie where the government imposed marshall law and imprisoned people because they were of wrong nationality. I cant remember the name of the movie, but it had Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis in it. That showed the atroicities committed aginst foreign nationals by the American government.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Tina

    There has been news announcements here in Chicago,asking those who wear Middle eastern ethnic dress to stay indoors right now.
    Hope this finds you well hun.luv,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • VeniceIT

    I don't know who did, my guess is on foreign Nationals. I can't see (tim McVeighs) being this organized and resourceful, this attack to months if not years to plan! Every contingency was covered. And the attack could not have been carried out any more effective. It was well rehearsed and executed.

    As for your question how could it be someone from out of the country? HAve you been to the airport lately. They flew from Boston all they'd have to do to get on a plane would be to show a fake ID and ticket and waltz right on the airline. They probably had men on the ground with the baggage dept that helped out as well if in fact there were explosives on board. They had full tanks of gas as well. I just finished reading "Lions Gate' by Demille and it's amazing how easy it is to get in and around this country. It's so big and there's no way to completely block anything off.

    My main concern is that this is perhaps just the first wave of terrorism, who know's what might be following.


  • peacepipe

    Dream on Cassiline, now there is bombing or something in Aphganistan. This is unreal.

  • Cassiline

    CNN just reported that this was inretalation to another leaders death last night. And the USA had nothing to do with that, I hope that is the case.
    I wish you could pass that peacepipe around, and all would be well.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Andee

    I'm thinking that it's probably muslim extremist. Possibly foreign or national. Maybe even both. The reason I believe this is because it was obviously a suicide mission and muslim extremists find it an honor to die in the "jihad" against us American infidels.

    The planning and coordination that it took to be able to bypass security at three airports and two different airlines had to be years in the making. If not, I shudder at how easy it must have been for them to get their weapons through security. It seems though, whenever we plug up one hole in the dyke, the bads guys find another one to exploit.

    Feeling devastated

  • Cassiline

    Ok call me stupid. Did anyone else see the relevance of Sept,11.
    I just now caught the 911 in the date. Anyone else think this of any importance?


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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