Pinch ME Please I Must be Dreaming!

by Cassiline 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • peacepipe

    Cassiline, Just wondered if you read Logical's thread called "WHOAH".
    It will give you the creeps about the "911".
    Also, I'm glad to know US not involved with Aphganistan bombings today. They were showing it on TV as "breaking news". I thought it was something new though I didn't mean to sound as if I was speculating who was doing the attacks in my post back to you- just my disbelief on all of todays events. Sorry if any misunderstanding.

  • Tatiana

    C. I did notice and they were saying they don't think it is an accident that today was 9-11 (911) also that the airlines were "American" and "United". They are saying they have info that one of the highjackers had ties to a faction of Bin Lauden sympathizers in Fla.

    Also, the movie you're talking about was called "The Seige."


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • peacepipe

    Tatiani, I wondered about the 2 airlines that were used. I found it curious all 4 flight originated in the east and going to CA. I however, did not hear anything or put together myself the 911, American, United thing. Thanks for sharing that. Creepy

    Lift me up, I've had enough. . .Tom Petty
  • Tatiana

    peacepipe, the reason they used flights going from east to west is to have the most jet fuel loaded. More like a real bomb. Jet fuel cannot be put out with water. Whoever did this was very smart and took months to plan.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • peacepipe

    wow. (sigh)

  • dungbeetle

    What gets me is that at my meeting tonight, there was not one mention of the WTC, not taking up a collection...not even in the closing prayer was there a mention to God to keep our 'brothers and sisters and their families' safe over there.

    And nothing on the JW website either.

    What has happened to these people? Have they become that afraid of uttering something 'unapproved' that they can't even spontaneously mention their own people in prayers from teh platform? Let alone the 'worldy' people....

    27 years I have been in and around this org. I could just cry. In fact I think I will.

    love and hugs to all ((board)) up the crap.

  • Tatiana

    I'm sorry, but dungbeetle, WHY are you still attending the meetings of such unloving people? After today, when all my JW niece could say was that she hope the bros. and sisters at Bethel were okay, I cannot bite my tongue any more. Leave that unholy place!!!!!
    You SHOULD cry! I have cried. I don't even care anymore if it IS the truth and they are right. I'd rather die a thousand deaths than live in eternity with such people.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Cassiline

    I did not mean to sound harsh if I did, I was scared when I saw the same reports that you were speaking of. And when I said to pass the peacepipe around I meant to the stupid idiots that runied our childrens beliefs that they live in a safe world. And mine also.
    Sorry for any misunderstanding.
    how about passing that pipe this way!
    Hugs to you, Peacepipe.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Kat_
    Whilst I was down by the Helford River this afternoon and having not yet seen or heard the news, a strange feeling enveloped me as if a wave of dread passed through me fanning in all directions. Does anyone else get these sensations before hearing of events?

    I recently posted a disturbing dream I had. Ever since that day I have been feeling a little 'down'. Last night (or this morning, if you want to be technical), at 4 AM I woke up due to discomfort. I was tossing and turning all night and after I awoke, I started just thinking about life and my approaching career change to pass time. For some reason, Oklahoma City bombing popped into my head. I haven't thought about that in a very long time. Just a mental picture, out of nowhere, popped into my head--I then thought "I will never work in a big city or gov't building". Just that thought. Then I went back to sleep. I did not feel 'weird' or dread, though. Just a thought that popped into my head suddenly and left just as quick. Only after the fact do I feel a little weird. I think it's only natural and that it really wasn't a premonition or anything. Just a coincidence.


  • BoozeRunner

    These planes from East Coast were also close to heir to go off course and strike b4 action could be taken.


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