amber alert seattle.. baby taken to avoid surgery

by candidlynuts 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts


    Sick baby missing from hospital

    Friday, June 23, 2006


    Seattle police and medical professionals were searching late Thursday to find a 9-month-old boy in need of state-ordered emergency medical care.

    Riley Rogers is suffering from a life-threatening illness and was scheduled for life-sustaining surgery at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle.

    He disappeared early Thursday morning, and police believe that his mother took the child after making it look as if he was still sleeping in bed.

    "This child needs emergency medical treatment, and if he doesn't receive it, he's going to die," said Seattle police spokesman Sean Whitcomb.


    Hospital staff members told police that Riley left with his mother, Tina Marie Carlsen, early Thursday morning and did not return. In a statement, hospital officials said both of Riley's parents stayed in his room last night, and were still there when hospital staff checked in at 4:30 a.m.

    Around 7 a.m., staff members noticed that the baby was missing. In his place in the bed was a diversionary "lump" made to look like the baby, Whitcomb said.

    The hospital was searched and when the child was not found, hospital security called police.

    Police believe Carlsen is driving a green 1994 Plymouth Voyager van, license plate 270-SVS. Anyone seeing the van or Carlsen is asked to call 911.

    Police reported that the baby was to undergo state-ordered surgery, and the state's Child Protective Services apparently had been monitoring the case.

    The baby has been in the custody of the state Department of Social and Health Services since the beginning of this month, said Kathy Spears, a spokeswoman for the agency. She provided no further details.

    Carlsen, 34, has blond hair and green eyes and is about 5 feet tall and 115 pounds. Riley weighs about 14 pounds.

    An all-points police bulletin was issued across the state and at all border checks Thursday night, and Seattle police Sgt. Deanna Nollette said an Amber alert went out for Washington, Oregon, California and possibly Arizona. The reason: The woman has left the state before and has acquaintances in Arizona.

    "We are incredibly concerned about the welfare of this baby," Nollette said. "We are going to leave no stone unturned."

    © 1998-2006 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  • KW13

    thats very sad indeed, i hope they find him/her

  • lost_light06

    Apparently the child is suffering kidney failure and needs a transplant but the mother feels "natural remedies" should be tried first.

  • buffalosrfree

    Hopefully, they will be found and the baby can be helped before morbidity sets in. The parents should be charged with kidnapping and sumarily tried and put in prison for a long long time. I have no patience with parents that want to endanger their childrens lives unnecessarily. They must be some kind of fundies at that too. Well lets hope they are found in time.

  • Mulan

    It's big news here in the Seattle area. Some people take alternative medicine to religious proportions.

    ..............but the child needed at least 7 surgeries in the months and years to come, all life threatening. She wanted to try alternative things in addition, but was refused that option. The child was taken from her custody over it.

    Her reaction was extreme, but I do understand how she must feel.

  • Bookey

    Mixed feelings about this...

    How would you like it if your son or daughter was going to be kept for injections that you are not totally sure of at a hospital that you don't totally trust, and someone tells you they are going to do it without your consent?

    How do we know anything about this case? Maybe one of the doctors tried to sexually assault this woman? Maybe the hospital is in filthy condition? WHo knows???

    These kinds of things are the very things I think should be left to the minds of those handling it, and not us...

    Why should the parents go to prison? because they love their child and want whats best for them?

    Silly human race...

    We don't even know if they are JW's do we? Even if they are, it's a private matter between her, the hospital and law enforcement.

  • Bookey

    Seriously buffalosrfree, why would you say that about prison for the parents? Why does everyone's ego take over right away when something like this happens? Put everyone in prison...we're all sinners..

    Silly humans.

  • candidlynuts

    i have no idea if they are jw's or not. or even if the woman objected to her childs treatment for religious reasons.

    i posted it cuz it is a current amber alert and some of our readers/ posters here are from that area.

  • Bookey

    Yes Candidly Nuts, I know why you posted it. Nothing wrong with your post. The replies though that some people give are examples of lack of intelligence in the human race. People's emotions immediately take over and the ape like tendancies (George W syndrome) kick in, and it's "shoot to kill" time... I don't understand how people can immediately think "prison" for this woman, who hopefully as the rights of all Americans would be considered innocent until a proper court of law decides the outcome of the situation (thankfully that is still in tact) and not the psychos like myself on the internet... Prison is a horrible place for anyone to go, and anyone that wishes prison on anyone is obviously judgmental and has very little heart or room for forgiveness. I truly believe and hope for the time when God removes all the defects of character for everyone, and sets people free. Out of love. Boo

  • truth.ceeker

    Unfortunately, this is a sad situation. But as for letting the courts decide, that may not be the wise choice as we have all seen where justice was never really delivered. Court cases are mostly about acting and what the lawyers want the jury, people, judge to be lead to. Only GOD knows the heart and can act with righteousness, not man.

    With that said, we as humans tend to protect the life of a child as they really do not have the experience to do it themselves. Some of us have seen and experienced the horrors of evil people and want to lash out and punish the evil doers, while others want to turn the other cheek and allow their garment to be taken and pray for the sinner, and everything in between.

    We do the best we can with what we have and hope and pray that GOD helps us sooner or later. Having faith is about all we can do outside of taking matters into our own hands and possibly making things worse, or making things better. two cents..



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