I was talking with a woman today who admires the JWs, though not one of them, and she was telling me things like they are the only people with strong principles and families and the only ones that really try to apply God's laws in their lives and uphold Biblical truth. Also that there are many diseased individuals among the blood donors and most donated blood is contaminated so the dubs are doing well to avoid transfusions.
I was going to say to her I am surprised that you did not join them. What would you have replied?
A woman that strongly supports the dubs
by greendawn 26 Replies latest jw friends
I would have started with "that may be mostly true, but...." then continue on with my 'truth about the truth' topic of choice.
there are many diseased individuals among the blood donors and most donated blood is contaminated so the dubs are doing well to avoid transfusions.
I would have asked her to prove this statement.
How ridiculous.
I would just have asked her why she wasn't a member then.........
It depends on your perspective Greendawn. Are you an ex-jw yourself?
I only ask because there are allsorts that post on this forum. -
I was going to say to her I am surprised that you did not join them
Seriously, that would have been a natural question to ask in an inoffensive way. "Why haven't you become a member? You know they are quite aggressive in their proslytizing"
Whatever her answer, it would be interesting. I have come across a lot of people who seem to have a personal coda not to criticize any religeon or lifestyle. Not a bad thing I suppose. I wouldn't know, since I was raised as a JW and it was drilled into me to be critical of everything and everybody.
Actually next time I meet her I will ask her that question, why she didn't become a JW since she admires them so much.
I add that she has also swallowed whole the idea about the apostacy of the early church right from 100 AD and that the catholic religion is a vile mixture of christianity, paganism and Greek philosophy.
Bubble I am an ex dub I disassociated back in 1987 after many disagreements with the elders about doctrinal issues. -
"she was telling me things like they are the only people with strong principles and families"...She may actually believe this, however it only shows that she hasn't spent much time in a Kingdom Hall. Ask her "What percentage of people in the local KH have been divorced at least once".
Maybe she has some committed jws in her family. I would have probably asked her if that were the case.
they are the only people with strong principles and families
I know many people with strong principles and none of them are Jehovah's Witnesses. Out of all the people I've met in my life, only Jehovah's Witnesses shun me because I spoke out against child molestation. Jehovah's Witnesses are also well known for breaking up families.
and the only ones that really try to apply God's laws in their lives
Many people apply God's laws in their lives. Many JWs don't. I have had JWs steal from me and defraud me to the tune of several thousand dollars.
uphold Biblical truth.
This "truth" is more like the flavour of the month at the local ice cream shop, but with a twist. If you don't accept the correct flavour you are shunned.
there are many diseased individuals among the blood donors and most donated blood is contaminated so the dubs are doing well to avoid transfusions.
There are many diseased individuals in the kingdom halls. I lost count of the number of weeks I lost from work because some JW with a contagious illness was too f*cking stupid to stay home from the meeting, and insisted on sharing the illness with all. As far as blood is concerned, in Canada blood is thoroughly screened. I donated blood once, and later was notified that it could not be used, nor could I ever donate again, because of an illness I had when I was in my early teens. I suspect driving to work each day poses a greater risk to a person's health than accepting a blood transfusion in Canada.
The only reason people make claims such as this person did is because they've been listening to JW propaganda and accepted it without asking for proof. Considering that only one out of a thousand people on this earth are JWs, if people are even half as wicked as JWs make them out to be I'm sure the human race would have destroyed itself a long time ago. If everyone on this earth was as charitible as the JWs there would be no hungry people on the earth any more - they would all have died off from starvation long ago.