You can find that new thread by the name of "Firearms And Shooting" in Physical Activities, HERE.
She's Back! With a question about guns & JWs
by asleif_dufansdottir 63 Replies latest jw friends
Reefton Jack
Going back to the incident in the bible in which Simon Peter struck somebody with a sword (John 18:10) only Luke's account mentions any question being raised.
This question was actually raised by the disciples - Luke's account states that they asked Jesus about hitting back with their swords. (Luke 22:49,50)
In quoting the WTS attempt to explain why Peter was carrying a lethal weapon, the point I was trying to make is this:
- That the WTS explanation is a likely story! (I'm in full agreement with james_wood's post about that one)
I apologise if I gave the impression of supporting the WTS view. (Hell will freeze over first, before that ever happens!)
what if the witness your went shooting with was elder?
i don't think he had anything on his conscience judging by the way he was wielding the .22 -