If the police raided Bethel Farm to go through his computer, who knows what else they will dig up. The Bethel lawyers must be scrambling to keep up that image
Latest News In JW Sex Scandal
by Kenneson 82 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Spanish-language Bible Teach Book sitting there in a police evidence box, alongside proof of the man's pedophiliac tendencies. On the evening news.
Oh man, I can just imagine that Teddy is crapping bricks in his Depends over this guy.
I wonder if the Watchtower Society is going to issue a public statement or remain tight lipped.
How much you want to bet some JW children and parents were hushed up after complaining to the Elders.
My wife and I experienced this first hand about 23 years ago. Our 12 yr. old daughter VS. the 20 yr old nephew of the local, annointed, "super-elder". "You mustn't take this to the 'wordly authorities'! We can work this out right in the cong."
I basically thought about it for 30 seconds and then went to the cops.
I wonder if the Watchtower Society is going to issue a public statement or remain tight lipped.
They will say absolutely nothing other than the confirmation of membership they've already offered. They have nothing to gain from making a statement.
i have a reporters email address for the big paper here. so that covers a huge portion of north central area.
I wonder if the Watchtower Society is going to issue a public statement or remain tight lipped.
I would think they are holding their collective breath until the investigators go through the disks, memory sticks and computer hard drives. Looking at the police pictures, it looks like they have a lot to go through.
If not much more is found they'll isolate him as a bad apple...proceed with damage control and try to move on. If though, more is found, or the investigation spreads or others are implicated...I hesitate to say death knell, but it would be pretty damn close to it. Morale can only take so many hits.
This is wonderful timing! This hit the news right before the Bloomington, Illinois district convention this weekend! Since this is news in the Chicago area, maybe the public will take a good hard look at who's swarming into their community for this convention! Hope it's very embarassing for them.
What I am missing in all of these news reports is some kind of a reference to the accusations that the WTS harbors pedophiles, like noting the Dateline program, so that people don't just think that it is isolated, they see that there have been accusations in the past. Where theres smoke theres fire, right?
It makes me sick to think of what further atrocities this man may have committed in the past. All those poor kids!