. How many members today would start to have strong doubts about the witnesses with even such a weak attack as this on their faith? How many JWs are on the fringes like this?
I think this would be typical of alot more JWs than anyone would ever think, esp of the young. Any seasoned JW would have tried some sort of reasoning and when it did not happen, would bow out.
I found myself totally unprepared one time when someone came to my door .....of what faith, I don't know. The whole time he talked .....with 3 others with him......I thought to myself, this is what we do, go to peoples doors, totally prepared or even not......but just with some sort of plan. I felt rather attacked by the person at the door, telling him I was home and not feeling well. Then I was so inept at backing my beliefs, I found myself trying to redeem myself digging myself deeper in.
The whole approach religiously really sucks. This girl obviously wants to make changes in her life. He is sure that all she had to do was say I accept Jesus and all would be OK. I have always found that if you get to know someone, what they want to change about themselves......that they are worthy and deserving......is a better place to start before cramming a belief system down their throat.
What that man was doing is no different than what JWs do.........its done for themselves. For whatever reason, they do things like that for themselves.
just my opinion.