Anyone who has been raised as a JW will most likely be able to relate somewhat to this.
My mother was bringing three children to the meeting and had an unbelieving mate. She was incredibly strict. I was an extremely unhappy child and teenager. To this day I feel like she made some terrible decisions in our upbringing that have made massive impacts on my own and my siblings lives.
When people meet my mother and I they always comment upon how similar we are. Not in looks as much as mannerisms and personality. I always here the remarks 'Your just like your mother'. For so long I hated hearing this. I didn't want to be anything like my mum. I didn't want to screw my kids up etc, etc. In fact for a long time I never wanted to have children. I didn't think I would be able to be maternal enough and thought that I would be a terrible parent. In my mind I had recieved a life sentence of being incompetent as a parent. (Funny the way you come to conclusions isn't it.)
But then I come to JWD. I read the stories from the mothers on this site. Women who have been in my exact position. And yet here they are raising wonderful beautiful families. Not repeating the mistakes of their parents. Proving that beyond all doubt they can nuture and love thier children and their children will be happy. And even those who don't have children but take people here under their wing and show some motherly type love to those lost and unhappy souls that wander into this forum.
You ladies are an inspiration to me. You fill me with hope that I too can be a great mum. I'm getting married at the end of the year. No longer am I afraid to have children. I can't wait too. I can't wait to be a great mum. I'm confidant I can because I have some amazing role models right here.
I love you and thank all of you....
Miss Peaches.