after the void of a *mother`s love* for so mnay years, I didn`t want to be a parent ( or growup! ) I was happy just trying to find out who I was and what to do with myself. Then I fell in love with a wonderful man and when I had my child my (our) lives changed forever! Motherhood is such a beautiful blessing and I never take it for granted, nor do I feel I could ever walk away from my son...ever!
To all the mothers on JWD...
by misspeaches 16 Replies latest jw friends
Quandry - Will the baby like its name... It better! LOL, I guess a multitude of worries run through your head as a mother or mother to be...
My sweet Es - I'm just copying your style I think.... Getting married in November, Honeymooning in Fiji... hehehe.Beachbender - see its that void of a mothers love that I am so determined not to emulate.
heheheh so i will expect an announcement late feb for the new addition to the family heheheh.
If you need any help with wedding of Fiji let me know babe, wish i was there to see you get married, i love weddings.
Oh luv....................i never realised, even after all our long chats, you had those concerns about being a mum!
You'll be fine............just don't expect to be perfect, none of us are. as a mother myself, i have regrets, i think we all do....goes with the territory. i didn't make the same mistakes my mother made, i made my own new ones! it's no easy job being a parent but i believe if you do all things (right or wrong) with the purest of heart and motives, it will be ok.
children are extremely forgiving. i have apologised to my kids for the things they may have missed out on or been hurt with by being dragged into the borg, and by my own human imperfection. they all told me that despite those things they love me for the wonderful childhood i worked hard at giving them and that everything good they had as children came from me. pretty humbling
unconditional love from both sides is what makes for good parent/child relationships.
with your gorgeous man by your side............and NO JW doctrines and will enjoy the rollercoaster ride of motherhood!
look forward to the time.........i want a nurse of the baby ok
cheers love
ps..........visit soon??????
I want to congratulate you on your decision to have children. They are a blessing. IMO, we do not know what true love is until we have children. I think that you are going to be a wonderful mother and wife. I know you can't wait to get started on your new life. I wish you all the best. (((((Peaches)))))
My mother told me "all daughters hate their mothers. I hate my mother, you hate me, and your daughter will probably hate you when she grows up".
Hmmm - I say dont believe the old witches!! Cut a new path.
You will be a fab mum Peachy!
My mother told me "all daughters hate their mothers. I hate my mother, you hate me, and your daughter will probably hate you when she grows up".
That belief leads to high parenting aspirations...