I don't. I see the excitement and thrill when a JW gets nailed for pedophilia. I'm happy when any of these creeps get caught. But I just don't think that this is what will bring down the Organization. Silentlambs went on the offensive. Barbara made her exposes'. But the Watchtower Society will spin this issue to make it appear that they were not only cooperative but were instrumental in ridding such ones from their midst.....What do you think???
Do You REALLY Believe That A Pedophile Issue Will Bring Down The Watchtower
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
Min, I hate to say it, but I think you are probably right. Bee
tall penguin
It may not bring down the organization as a whole. But the organization is made up of individuals. And if issues like this get even one individual thinking that maybe the wts isn't "the truth" then it makes a difference. I believe in the ripple effect.
tall penguin -
I don't think anything will bring down the Watchtower, but news like this will tarnish their image.
no it wont bring it down. the most i hope for is that it forces the policy changes that so many people have been working hard for. quit being a haven for pedophiles! start being more Christlike and protect the children .
I seriously doubt it, but certainly tarnish the "squeaky clean" image they constantly try to project to the public. A series of wrongful death class action lawsuits
relating to the blood ban would be far more likely to ruin them financially, but as we have seen in Canada, they seem quite immune to this as well.
I believe they'll do just the opposite. Announce that they IN FACT DO get rid of pedos. They DO COOPERATE with the police. Blah, blah, blah.
The WT’s downfall has been prophesied since its beginning. Why should a paedophile issue bring it down today? Individuals like us will have a fall out with the WT. The exposure of issues may add to the force to change policy. I want to save children from becoming silenced victims and not make the WT fall. Although I would love to see it happen.
Nope. The catholic church is still going strong and there were literally 100's of priest's uncovered who were perverts. The WT will never shutdown completely but I believe stuff like this will push it into being at least a little more "mainstream" in the future.
XB, your comments are my sentiments that I just put on Metatron's thread.