The jury's out on this one.
I've been divorced a year now, separated for over a year before that, and lonely in my marriage for years before that. With my recent breast cancer, I'm shy about the thought of getting into bed with someone again -- even though I've only had a lumpectomy.
I don't plan on even beginning the dating game for a few years more, because I think my youngest child needs to be comfortable with his own sexuality before he will be comfortable with Mom's sexuality,
Also, my ex- is behaving very badly about living up to the terms of our divorce agreement, and it makes me very anxious at the thought of merging finances with anyone again.
That said, I am optimistic that there IS a man out there somewhere who will be delighted with the person I am and whom I will find delight in return and that we will be able to build a loving, joyful relationship based on mutual respect, shared interests and caring attitudes that will last until death does us part.