do they really think this makes me want to come back????

by BlackSwan of Memphis 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi
    It still hurts. And it still sucks. And I still have days I want to whine and mope and get mad.

    Me too, BSoM... me too. That's when my brother or mom gets an earful on the phone or an eyeful on messenger, or my jeep gets reeeeallly dirty (or clean), or I get a great workout at the gym. It numbs the crap in my head and my heart and chases it a bit further away. It ain't easy, this escape. We can do it. :)

    pouring a glass for you and me (clinking glasses) - let's toast to MENTAL FREEDOM! this side is soooo much better to be on.....

    Adding my glass... Mental freedom is amazing. ~merfi

  • SPAZnik

    anewme - i understand "move on" but...what do you mean "forget" them?

  • lisavegas420

    I was df'd three times. The first two times, I went back because it was all I knew. Family...friends...ect.

    The third time, my parents desided to set an example for me and treat me entirely different than they did the first two times. My dad called me at work and told me I was dead to them and they would not be speaking to me again. I cried and cried...and of course I couldn't tell anyone I worked with what was wrong. I lost all desire then to go back....had to find new friends and a new life.

    Them I realized it was sooo much better on the outside. So they did me a favor....I'm sure I would have gone back if they hadn't started shunning me for real.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    I hear ya girl!!

    There *shunning* only reinforces my beliefs that I made the right decisions. They are really brainwashed and warped in their thinking. I'm ashamed I used to think this was the right thing to do....

    rant all you want. that's what we're here for.

    pouring a glass for you and me (clinking glasses) - let's toast to MENTAL FREEDOM! this side is soooo much better to be on.....

    I agree. I can’t believe I used to do that to people. It’s truly amazing how we just did what we were supposed to do. It is brainwashing. And there is a part of me that still has trouble believing I was brainwashed. Ack, I guess it’s never easy to get over that huh?

    Thanks for letting me rant.

    Me too, BSoM... me too. That's when my brother or mom gets an earful on the phone or an eyeful on messenger, or my jeep gets reeeeallly dirty (or clean), or I get a great workout at the gym. It numbs the crap in my head and my heart and chases it a bit further away. It ain't easy, this escape. We can do it. :)

    That is an excellent way of dealing with things! Generally when I get really annoyed, my husband and I just stand in the kitchen after the kids are down for the night drink a beer and rant until we get down to the fact that try as they might, they still love me and they know it and this really isn’t very easy on them. We also realize, you know, we have each other.

    I’m very happy that you have such a supportive family. Very, very cool.

    I was df'd three times. The first two times, I went back because it was all I knew. Family...friends...ect.

    The third time, my parents desided to set an example for me and treat me entirely different than they did the first two times. My dad called me at work and told me I was dead to them and they would not be speaking to me again. I cried and cried..and of course I couldn't tell anyone I worked with what was wrong. I lost all desire then to go back....had to find new friends and a new life.

    Them I realized it was sooo much better on the outside. So they did me a favor....I'm sure I would have gone back if they hadn't started shunning me for real.

    Lisa, I can’t imagine saying that to someone I love. I am so sorry that you had to hear that from your dad.

    Thank you for posting your experience. It forced me to admit that in many ways my family kicked my butt off the fence and into reality.

    Nope hasn’t easy. But I’ve been lucky. I’ve had a few people to lean on and a great discussion board to go to.

    The real world compared to what I knew as a jw is so different. Life is not so cut and dry and pre-prepared for ya, but blazing my own path is giving me chances to grow as a person and to build a life that is my own.

    Had my family NOT demanded those answers, had they simply allowed me to do what I was attempting to do, maybe I never would have gotten on with my life.

    In some ways anewme is right. Forgetting them in that we push it to the back of our minds and create a new world of our own. At least that’s how I see it at the moment.

    <<looks at watch>> Hey it's 5:38

    cheers you guys!


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