Yes. If the 'no-god' option is correct then I am wrong. I have yet to see kid-A's admission .
Auld, I think the problem is, we are left with the admission that being 'wrong' or 'right' is merely a matter of subjective opinion.
I cant prove there is no god, you cannot prove there is a god. The hypothesis itself is untestable. I dont really understand what the alternative is to looking 'inward'? I believe we did agree on another thread that all of us are limited to our subjective realities. If that is the case, where do you propose we look? I would also like to know about this alternate reality you are proposing that exists beyond our nervous system and how you would demonstrate its existence beyond the faculties of your own perceptions? We both know this is an impossibility with at least the current stage of human evolution. I'm not saying it cannot exist, but if it does, we must limit our awareness of it to the confines of our own consciousness and perceptual faculties. Dont get me wrong. I admire imagination and creative thinking, in fact, I would not be in my chosen field if I did not. However, I am a reductionist and materialist first and foremost and have enough basis understanding to realize that our subjective realities are neuronally created theaters that are highly malleable and subject to distortion, misperception and perceptual errors. Emotions drive our motivations and provide filters for every idea, concept, memory and belief that we entertain. In this internal universe, right and wrong are subjective constructions, nothing more, nothing less, regardless if some "truth in itself" may exist in the phenomenal world.