Will they ever be able to admit to themselves that they wasted the best part of their entire lives supporting a lie and the liars who tell it?
No. That is why the organization will last in one form or another for a long time.
by AuldSoul 24 Replies latest jw friends
Will they ever be able to admit to themselves that they wasted the best part of their entire lives supporting a lie and the liars who tell it?
No. That is why the organization will last in one form or another for a long time.
Freetobeme: Good point. I also think that there will always be SOME JW around.....diehards.
So, how do you soften the blow that they live in a fantasyworld? Although somewhat smaller, there's another generation of dubs coming along too.....who's going to be around to soften the blow to them, and the next, and the next, etc.? It's not the first christian-like religion to come along and die out in a hundred years or so after so many unfulfilled prophecies. GYMBB
The Watchtower only has power over you if you allow it to. Glad you don't allow it Auldsoul.
I think the reason a witness would say the assembly proves the end is near is because they want to believe it is so use anything they can to comfirm this belief. If the assembly is crowded they they say the great increase proves the time is at hand. If not that many show up they say people are not coming because they have hardened their hearts to the truth and that proves the end is near. They do this all the time because the Watchtower uses this type of faulty reasoning all the time.
I want people I know in the WT to come out but at times I do find myself worrying about how some of them would react if they finally woke up. They have put so much in to it. Some would do fine but others I don't think would recover from the blow.
Imagine if they lost their Governing Body mediator. Imagine if their leaders are proved false prophets.
......................imagine?? ....false prophets? auh......hasn't that already been proven beyond a doubt? the 2 sentences qouted themselves says it all "Governing Body.......mediater? where in the bible does it say a bunch of old men take the place of christ as mediater between god & man?
I remain unconvinced that WBTS is in any danger of falling. I think that in a few years it will be led by younger, savvier and more ambitious men, it will have the backing of the estates of many more dead friends, and every year that goes by is one more year that they couldn't bear to think that they have wasted.
Some people are just raised to want to believe in something, and this is the thing they got. Most people are going to stick with it. I suggest that you don't hold out, looking forward to it's demise. That would be just as big a waste of life as if you'd stayed in.
It is sad to think of how many parents spend their entire lives with a deep sadness thinking that their children will soon be destroyed.
I doubt the WTS will implode before any of the oldies die. There is probably still a few decades left where JWs will continue on thinking that it still is the truth, even as they watch the stats go down (justifying it as the love of the great number cooling off). Cognitive dissonance will not allow these people to admit to themselves they wasted their lives promoting a cult.
Being a JW is probably all most of the older ones have. It's a social club. Its someplace to go three or four times a week. And they think hey...either I will die before armageddon and will get a ressurection anyway, or I will live on into that paradise Ive waited for for so long. Its win win for them.
My EXJW girlfriend left the dubs in 99. Her husband who had only been a JW for about 4 years, was dying of cancer and during his final year or so he heard all of her research about why she left and it was good research. He even said to her that it had credence but he WOULD NOT LEAVE because he was terrified that if he left before he died that he would not get a ressurection. It's the TERROR that keeps JWs in. So he STUCK to the end. But you know...God reads hearts so it didnt really matter what what being SAID on the outside it was what was INSIDE that counted.
Thats true of the JWs....as hard as many of their hearts have become...and as nasty as the Society has become...God sees thorugh all this crap. Right down to the nitty gritty ever-so-faithful in public CO who looks at child porn at night. He SEES it.
This religion will be around awhile. It will become more and more main stream to survive. It will lose members. It will sell off real estate. It will claw and bite to the end to keeps its numbers up and encouraging and will gasp "Dont forget the contribution box on the way out friends!" on its deathbed. And someday the artifacts from the headquarters at Brooklyn Heights will be sold on Ebay as collectors items for people who collect cult memorabilia.
Wait for it.
My parents say every year: "That was the BEST, most encouraging convention EVER!
yeah. I used to get really fed up of having to convince myself that this years REALLY was the best EVER.
Its like bl00dy soap powder adverts - theres only SO white a sheet can get...
LovesDubs: And someday the artifacts from the headquarters at Brooklyn Heights will be sold on Ebay as collectors items for people who collect cult memorabilia.
I want the lobby globe. And a 40-pound sledge. And about 5 minutes alone with it.
At least my wants are simple, yes?
I'll take a couple of their Multilith presses, the ones they print the KMs on!
Glad you had a good time AuldSoul.