Comment overheard after the session on Sunday

by AuldSoul 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • 24k
    I don't say this to discourage efforts at toppling the beast, but we need to remember the real life impacts that such an implosion of the WTS would have on many thousands of people. They are depressed already. Imagine if the basis for their hope is gone, too. Imagine if they lost their Governing Body mediator. Imagine if their leaders are proved false prophets.

    I would argue that witnesses are depressed, because they know all of the things you state above. Now, they won't admit this to themselves openly, but deep down, doubts rage. It's similar to some one who experiences a traumatic event. They often block out certain details of the event, though those details cause them anxiety and depression on a sub-conscience level. They may not be able to put their finger on why they feel angry or sad, or have nightmares, but they do. I think the witnesses suffer depression in the same way. The basis of their hope is gone. The governing body is not their mediator, and they are false prophets. Only by aknowledging these facts, can the JW address the root cause of their unhappiness, and truly find peace. I think the loss of friends and family, who only love conditioned on your continued faith in a religious organization that you no longer believe in, is no loss at all. In fact, your continued dependence on their love and approval could prove very emotionally unhealthy.

    My 2 cents

  • AuldSoul


    I didn't see you sneak in. Welcome! And thank you for that perspective. I will chew on that for a while. That is good fodder.


    {edited} Since 2003? And only 43 posts? With thoughts this cogently expressed? Please, post more often. Every forum needs this caliber of poster, but especially is there a need amongst those who have to train themselves to think more productively.

  • jeanniebeanz


    I agree wholeheartedly. I believe that every witness makes a choice at some point in their life to bury their own doubts in spite of what the facts are screaming. Then, they spend their entire lives in subconscious doubt, being 'forced' te experience only superficial love, family ties and friendships since you never know if that person you 'love' is going to merit abandonment later for leaving 'the truth'. You can never really let anyone in; not parent, spouse, sibling or child. It is no wonder that the depression rate among witnesses is so high.

    While it is true that a whole-scale collapse of the 'Organization' would wreak havoc on the r&f, that havoc would be temporary. Long-term, however, the effect of it's collapse would be the freeing of millions of people from a belief system that has kept several generations of individuals ignorant of the world around them, uneducated, poor and their families broken apart, and dysfunctional.


  • blondie

    People in abusive relationships or groups live in the


    So true of JWs.


  • 24k
    Long-term, however, the effect of it's collapse would be the freeing of millions of people from a belief system that has kept several generations of individuals ignorant of the world around them, uneducated, poor and their families broken apart, and dysfunctional.

    It gave me chills when I read this! The witnesses are really in a state of mental and emotional bondage. That bondage spills into the lives of those of us who still have friends and family in the organization. The collapse of the WBTS would not only free the millions who are currently a part of it, but it would also mean a return to us on the outside of those we love. Can you imagine the kind of relationships you could have, without the conditional love of the watchtower? That would truly be "good news"!

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