I don't qualify, but I'm not asking you to answer my questions. I'm pointing out that you *forgot* to answer AuldSoul's points, and I assume he does qualify.
Oh, Schizm! (Daniel 11:35)
by AuldSoul 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lol, you are confirming your inability to answer AuldSoul's points.
Are you going to make a fool of yourself this early in the game. It appears so. I read in one of your previous posts where you say that you've never been a JW, which tells me that you haven't the foggiest idea what the Bible is truly all about. I'd politely suggest that you sit quietly and pay close attention to those who have "been there and done that", rather than being so anxious to nip at their heals. Get my drift? Who knows but what you might actually learn something. Too, I find it sad that you have no appreciation for the Bible. Do you subscribe to atheism?
Schizm what you are saying is completely and hilariously irrelevant.
My assertion stands: you continue to confirm your inability to answer AuldSoul's points.
What have you got against endless repetitive motions?
.................hum.........conjures up feelings of "everlasting" pleasure
magoo of the "all for repetitive motions class"
Schizm what you are saying is completely and hilariously irrelevant.
My assertion stands: you continue to confirm your inability to answer AuldSoul's points.
You obviously have no experience whatsoever with the subject at hand, yet you're here to tell me you understand what is being said? You must love making a fool of yourself. You may find it fun to run your little fingers across a keyboard, but you need to remember that the words you make appear on your screen is what everyone else can see. I can assure you that mature people consider you as being silly, because you're quick to pass judgement on things when you have no way of understanding the material being discussed. Your comments have no substance to them. Why not try being something other than a cheerleader for the side you've chosen to be on?
Schizm, I have been following this thread, I also would like to see you answer AuldSouls points. He made a point that I was thinking about as well. Jehovah's Witnesses themselves are just a splinter group from the Second Adventists. They are part of Christendom themselves. No better than anyone esle. In fact they are worse in many areas. Now instead of attacking me personally, why not try to answer AuldSouls points if you can.
The Claw.
So... you can't answer AuldSoul's points then?
Jehovah's Witnesses ... are part of Christendom themselves.
You're sadly mistaken. JWs stand out as being distinctly different than any of Christendom's churches.
Now instead of attacking me personally, why not try to answer AuldSouls points if you can.
Is it my fault that you haven't any "insight" regarding the things being said? If you did, you wouldn't be making such a silly request.
So... you can't answer AuldSoul's points then?
Stop with the nipping and go back to sleep. You obviously need your rest, not to mention a knowledge of the Scriptures. Why didn't you answer me when I asked if you subscribed to atheism?
Just a question for Schizm:
Obviously the verse has to apply to some religion that claims to be "Christian". So which "Christian" religion would it be? First off, it couldn't refer to what is commonly referred to as "Christendom", a religion that's split up into a multitude of denominations. Denominations do not equal UNITY. Surely the group that Daniel 11:35 applies to would be UNIFIED, rather than split apart into various denominations as Christendom's churches are.
Wouldn`t a whole bunch of sects, who base their beliefs on the Bible, be able to say the exact same thing? For example, the mormons would object to being counted as a part of the rest of "christendom". So would many other sects. In fact, they would all claim this exclusivity (that you attribute to the WTS) to themselves, and count you (and the jws) as part of "christendom". The mormons are unified, just as the jws. So are many of the other sects. Please answer this, and AuldSouls questions.