Terrible "Local Needs" part--TRUST THE "SLAVE CLASS!"

by under_believer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Just curious--do all GB members profess to be "anointed?" Are they all claim to be members of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave class?"

    Last night at my KH we had a "local needs" part. It was about the Faithful and Discreet Slave:

    • How we should trust the FDS.
    • How the FDS is represented by the Governing Body.
    • How a Governing Body is necessary becuase they can't consult all the FDS all over the world for each decision (this is why my question above came up in the first place.)
    • How the original Greek text of the scripture about "those taking the lead among you" proves that in the first century they used the term "governing body" and how it's appropriate to use that term today. It's hard for me to believe that the elder saying this really believed it. He asked the question "does the term 'governing body' occur in the scriptures? Well, not exactly, but..." and then launched into that explanation.
    • How if they are good enough for Jehovah and Jesus, they should be good enough for us
    • How if we don't understand or don't quite agree with something that comes from the GB, we should do it anyways and trust them implicitly and obey and not lean on our own understanding
    • One elder commented "there is no way the Governing Body could do all that they do if they didn't have God's backing."

    It upset me so much--SO MUCH--that I was practically in tears by the end of it. I'm getting little residual shivers of revulsion right now just typing this out. It was everything I could do not to raise my hand and ask some very pointed questions, like "DO YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD 'REPRESENTATION' MEANS?!?!?!?!?!"

    I have been making these posts lately that make me seem right on the edge of losing it, and maybe I am, I guess. The insanity is really getting to me. I wish I could take my wife's brain and dump everything I know into it--break the bonds of indoctrination and get her out. To mine own self be true, you might say, and rightly so, but perhaps because of my upbringing as a witness I'm terrified of being in a religiously divided household.

    Sorry for spazzing out.

  • Warlock


    The reason we are here is so you CAN spazz out, and someone will listen. I feel your pain, brother, because my wife will NEVER leave, and there is nothing to be done about it. Walk the tightrope the best you can.


  • cabasilas

    Don't lose hope. One of the reasons I pursued my wife when I was young was because I knew she was more stable "in the truth" and would help me stay in the Organization. We're both out now. It did take her several years before she was willing to look at things however and that period was hell.

  • under_believer

    Thanks, cabasilas. I hope it works out that well for me.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
  • How we should trust the FDS.
  • How the FDS is represented by the Governing Body.
  • How a Governing Body is necessary becuase they can't consult all the FDS all over the world for each decision (this is why my question above came up in the first place.)
  • How the original Greek text of the scripture about "those taking the lead among you" proves that in the first century they used the term "governing body" and how it's appropriate to use that term today. It's hard for me to believe that the elder saying this really believed it. He asked the question "does the term 'governing body' occur in the scriptures? Well, not exactly, but..." and then launched into that explanation.
  • How if they are good enough for Jehovah and Jesus, they should be good enough for us
  • How if we don't understand or don't quite agree with something that comes from the GB, we should do it anyways and trust them implicitly and obey and not lean on our own understanding
  • One elder commented "there is no way the Governing Body could do all that they do if they didn't have God's backing."
  • I just hope that someone nearby was kind enough to ask that speaker to wipe his mouth when he was through.......cause I'm sure there was some bullsh*t clinging to his lips from his speaking efforts.


  • serendipity

    ((( u_b )))

    If you HAVE to go to meetings, I find the Sunday meetings the easiest to tolerate.

  • blondie

    Yes, all the FDS have to be anointed.

    Yes, all the GB have to be anointed.

    Yes, only the GB officially make decisions regarding doctrine and policies although I doubt that Carey Barber is contributing much at this point. The GB functions like the average elder body; some are dominating, some sit back and let the do it, and a few speak up (though I doubt that many do that now). They only need a 2/3 majority to carry and decision.....

    The FDS doctrine the WTS uses today grew out of the imprisonment of the WTS board of directors in 1918 (there was no governing body until the 1970's) and subsequent release in 1919. To Rutherford, that proved that God was on their side and that they were the only true religion (although the WTS taught that all religion was false until around 1950). The WTS neglects to mention that after 1919 that the WTS members still celebrated birthdays and Christmas, used the cross (in fact it was on the cover of the WT until 1931), still used pyramidology in determining chronology, still taught that Christ's presence began in 1874, the some prophecies would be fulfilled on Jews with their return to Israel, the "great multitude" were a secondary heavenly class, and so on.

    I used to buy into that until I started studying the history of that time without using the WT publications. Here are some ideas Amazing1914 put together.


  • under_believer

    Thanks, blondie--those are some great links. The Whitney one is especially good, I can see why he got the title "Foremost Apostate in the West." :)

  • ithinkisee

    "How if we don't understand or don't quite agree with something that comes from the GB, we should do it anyways and trust them implicitly and obey and not lean on our own understanding"


    That was something a CO said on the platform to our congo one time and it was one of the first earth shattering red flags that struck me to my core.

    It was quite revolting indeed. I understand where you are coming from.


  • damselfly

    <<"How if we don't understand or don't quite agree with something that comes from the GB, we should do it anyways and trust them implicitly and obey and not lean on our own understanding" >>

    I remember hearing this as kid as well. Instant panic attack.

    I could never do blind obedience.


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