If you wish to have a pretty clear measure of the charismatic impact of Pastor Russell's personality on the people in the Bible Students movement just talk to any modern day member or visit the Pastor Russell website!
This man is IT to them!
They have not wavered one iota from anything Russell wrote for over a hundred years!!!!!
He is the beginning and the end of what they publish, discuss and believe.
That is truly astonishing!!
I spent one evening a couple of years back with a local minister of the Bible Students religious movement.
I had electric chills go up my spine as he stood in front of a large Dispensation Chart: THE DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES and gave me a verbatim explanation of the various ages and what they represented.
I can't begin to explain to you what an amazing experience that was!
This was a very very nice man who lived alone with his son. He was a widower. He spent all his available time typesetting and laying out Russell's writings for publication. He had made a film of himself explaining the Divine Plan of Russell's which he paid out of his own pocket to run on local Cable Access.
I bought a Divine Plan Book from him and went home and read it from cover to cover.
I have to tell you--it damned near convinced me!!