Masturbation quotes

by 5thGeneration 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Calliope

    "mothers and fathers who stroke their fretful babies..."

    i don't think "disturbing" is accurate enough.

    ummmm, i think the deranged quote and this one, may have gotten mixed up.


  • SixofNine

    Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?


    Who the hell does this???
    Just a guess, but if I researched, I'd probably find some obscure culture, or perhaps a 19th century cultural phenomenom, where this was done. Especially if I did my research in Fred Franz personal library (I'd just have to find the bookmarked, most dog-eared pages, lol).

  • JH

    2% of JW's masturbate and 98% are liars

  • foundfreedom

    Hey here's a funny thought, how many JW's including us ex's have masturbated at the KH during the meeting?

  • SirNose586

    I remember being asked twice about it before they made me an MS. What, do you want the truth, elders? No way I'm gonna talk about that stuff with them. It's none of their friggin' business.

  • rebel8

    OMG those quotes are so disturbing!

    There's one quote saying you should empty the garbage or polish your shoes if you feel the urge.....don't wear tight fitting clothes, don't linger in the shower.....

  • SixofNine
    should empty the garbage or polish your shoes if you feel the urge

    I tried to follow that advice, but every damn time there would be a Victoria's Secret catalog on top of the trash. And we know it can't be effective to get a woman polishing anything, especially not shoes, to control her urges!

  • freedomlover


    but yeah, that baby quote thing is VERY sick....

  • Tuesday

    I really got to read this site more I thought this was a place to put your favorite quotes about masturbation. I had this great Saving Silverman quote ready to use too...damn it! Yeah, WT is messed up in their principles, I would figure this would be a necessary evil in order to not fornicate.

  • nsrn

    Breaking Free from Self Abuse-- I SO remember when that article came out. I was a young adolescent. I didn't know anyone ELSE ever did such a thing (like I'd discovered something no one else knew?!?!?!) And I was certain I was doomed. Swore I'd never do it again, then fail.....terrified that my folks would want to discuss the newest magazine over dinner...afraid I was gay or mentally ill (like my sister, in a state hospital at the time)...

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