Do you feel hypocritical?

by rekless 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    Attending meetings and performing your theocratic duties and acting as if nothing is wrong while all the time knowing it is all a fabicated lie. I went into a vacumm, did not talk to anybody, end of prayer,gone! Went late left early, no comments, no singing, no prayer. The night I was announced as "stepping down," yark! yark! yark! I was invited to close in prayer. I said, It would be better to have another close. Never was asked again. THen I began my slip sliding away.

  • LittleToe

    I couldn't have stomached it. I lasted at most four months between deciding I would have to leave until actually DAing. Some perhaps have even more to lose (e.g. kids) than I did, or feel they can somehow manage being ground down for a while. There could be any number if reasons why certain decisions are taken.

    Some folks have gotta do what they've gotta do - I respect them for that...

  • itsallgoodnow

    No. Should I?

  • undercover

    I was already backsliding before I realized what a sham it was, so as I learned more and more I just drifted away more and more.

    I could see where some who know it's all a lie but continue to go due to various circumstances might feel hypocritical, but I think it's fair to say that if they could walk away and never look back without any ramifications, they'd jump on it. Unfortunately, a lot of us have JW family and to walk away would cause all kinds of issues so many have to endure the meetings to some extent and some of us are able to fade away but be viewed as less than admirable.

    It's not that people choose to do this, it's the hand they're dealt with and they're playing it the best way they know how. If anyone's to blame for forcing people to live like this, it's the WTS for their shunning policies.

  • restrangled

    I love Undercover's last statement (can't seem to cut and paste into my reply).

    I spent my entire teenage years living a total lie. We were taught well to live a double life and keep our mouths shut. There was no choice.


  • under_believer
    I went into a vacumm, did not talk to anybody, end of prayer,gone! Went late left early, no comments, no singing, no prayer.

    Dude, that is exactly where I am right now. Exactly. I am inactive in the "field ministry" too (going on 8 months now.)

    I have a wife and kids. The only reason I still go to meetings at all is because she insists on going, and because I feel a fatherly responsibility to help her with the kids at the meetings. I also feel a vague need to put on a common front with my wife, for the kids' benefit.

    If it was just my wife and I, I'd be out completely.

  • blondie

    I eased on down the road over about a year......I wasn't answering, attended little, turned in the hours I spent on JWD talking about scriptural I didn't feel hypocrital. You do what you have to do to protect yourself.


  • greendawn

    When I felt it was not quite right I became inactive so as not to contribute anything more to the deceiving org.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I started missing some meetings last summer, and eventually stopped going altogether once I started reading on here and other sites, then da'd soon afterwards. I never felt hypocritical about going to some meetings. I was in a state of confusion for a few months, doubting the wts but not sure I wanted to abandon it completely until a few weeks before I did. I suppose I was kind of hedging my bets until I was actually sure I'd backed a loser by becoming a jw.

  • IP_SEC

    I did. I spent 6 months doing the JW thing after figuring out the lie. I looked at that time as a way to prepare for leaving. Making friends on the outside. In my bookstudy I asked questions and made comments to get ppl to think about things differently. Then the day came where I was going to have to conduct a WT ridiculing apostates. I couldlnt handle the thought it. At the time it felt hypocritcal. In hindsight I dont think it was. Just survival.

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