Where will you go when you die?

by Bstndance 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    This is sort of fluff. One night while I was bored on the internet, I stumbled across some guy's page that was totally devoted to his study of the afterlife. In it he stated that when people die they go to the afterlife that they believe in. For example, if you're a baptist you will go to a baptist heaven. If you're a JW your afterlife would be like the paradise and you'll still think you're on earth but you're not.

    So, just for fun. Where will you go when you die?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    To my grave. Other than that, I don't know anymore. I'm not a jw anymore, so I wouldn't go to their paradise.

    Maybe Flying Spaghetti Monster heaven has a certain appeal.

  • Warlock

    For the life that I have lived, for all my thoughts, for knowing, admitting to myself, that I am a sinner, I will probably end up in Hell. All the J.W. time is included.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I have given instructions to my kids that when I die they are to use garbage bags and a cardboard box for my remains. My brother has a removals firm, so they won't need one of those fancy hearses, they can use one of his trucks.

    And no service, just some money behind the bar for a few drinks.

    As for me, my mouldering body will degenerate into bits of dust that will join the other bits of dust in the cosmos.

    (Sorry, folks, but I don't think the JW paradise is for me. I wouldn't enjoy it at all).

  • daystar

    Just for fun, huh? ... ... ...

    I would like to basically be godlike, within reason. Maybe be like some immortal god over some remote planet of some remote star, with an exquisite enough understanding of the universe that I can manipulate existence in that corner of the galaxy after a godlike fashion. And as I progress in my godlike skills, I would be rewarded with more planets, more powers, etc. ... ...

    Hmmm, sounds more like that game Black & White... Heh, funny that when I play that game I end up being more like Jehovah than anything, doling out punishment and praise in more or less equal amounts...

    But I digress. Really, I'll probably end up merely worm food, only living on as a vague ghost within the hearts of any who may have known me, until eventually I am forgotten for all eternity...

  • restrangled

    Straight to an oven, which is where I spend most of my time anyway!


  • Dave_T

    To the Paradise City (where the grass is green and the girls are pretty...)

  • FlyingHighNow

    To the bone ya'd.

    Seriously? Cremated and hopefully on Andy's dresser or that of one of my children. Then I hope to cruise the heavens, doing acts of good deeds for those still incarnate and hob knob with my late friends and relatives.

  • lisavegas420

    What about this?

    The LifeGem ® is a certified, high-quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life.

    http://www.lifegem.com/ lisa

  • Stealth453

    I'm coming back to finish what I started here.



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