Where will you go when you die?

by Bstndance 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    I'll become worm food

  • xjwms

    surprise me

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    I have been reading some after life experiences andI have to tell you that although some of them are bizarre as all get out some of them seem very real.

    I just can not believe that it ends here.


  • wednesday

    I plan on haunting a few people who have done me great harm in this life. Other than that, I'm open for whatever.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    as far as i have reason to think, no where.

    there are a few after-lives that i would like to believe are possible, but that would just be my imagination coupled with the strong incredulity that "this can't be all there is". so, until i have logical reason to believe otherwise, i would say no where.


  • FlyingHighNow
    there are a few after-lives that i would like to believe are possible, but that would just be my imagination coupled with the strong incredulity that "this can't be all there is". so, until i have logical reason to believe otherwise, i would say no where.


    Tet, I know you like scientific studies and proof. Read this book. It might give you more hope and insight. It's researched and written by doctors.

  • freedomlover

    wednesday -

    ****I plan on haunting a few people who have done me great harm in this life***

    now THAT sounds like a good time to me.....oh the sneaky ideas I'm thinking of......I can hardly wait to die!

    although I don't believe there is any proof or logical information that has yet to prove to me that there is anything past this accident we call *LIFE*

    so, I'll be wherever they decide to bury me.

  • Swan

    Lincoln Memorial, Mt. Scott, Portland, Oregon.

  • parakeet

    Wherever I was before I was born.

  • looking_glass

    Back to whence I came.

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