Now Iraq is in on it ....

by BobsGirl 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • BobsGirl

    Looks like Israeli intelligence is saying that our old friend Sadaam has hooked up with bin Lahden to cook up yesterday’s attacks. Great ... this means war with an insane man who has chems and nukes and can't wait to use them. Hold on folks ... it is going to be a bumpy ride. I am going home to kiss my husband and hug my baby ... and say a little prayer.....


  • Amazing

    Iraq's nukes are from the Soviet Union old stockpile. While the missiles may be good, the nuclear material has a short shelf life for weapons usage. So, I am not too concerned about this. But, the Chem and Bio weapons could be a threat. The UN and USA and Allies have been on this for years, since the Gulf War. But, I doubt that hussein can deliver these with any effectiveness. And if he is bombed soon enough, then maybe these weapons will never go anywhere. this will be most interesting to watch. - Amazing

  • Billygoat
    I am going home to kiss my husband and hug my baby ... and say a little prayer.....

    This is probably the smartest thing I've heard all day! Has anybody else "woken up" the way I have because of this situation? The air smells better - food tastes better - hugs to my loved ones are a little tighter - "I love yous" are a little freer. Don't let these wonderful gifts slip out from your under your noses people. Take a moment to count your blessings!


  • julien
    This is probably the smartest thing I've heard all day! Has anybody else "woken up" the way I have because of this situation? The air smells better - food tastes better - hugs to my loved ones are a little tighter - "I love yous" are a little freer. Don't let these wonderful gifts slip out from your under your noses people. Take a moment to count your blessings!

    I have been counting my blessings every single day since I came to grips with my own mortality.

    Bobsgirl do you have an URL regarding the Israeli intelligence?

  • Farkel


    : While the missiles may be good, the nuclear material has a short shelf life for weapons usage. So, I am not too concerned about this.

    Where do you learn all this stuff? You are an expert on law and SPECIFIC areas of law, real estate (commercial and residential), engineering and now nuclear weapons? Hell, I had active Real Estate broker's licenses in California, Idaho and Texas and I thought I was a hot shot. I don't know nothin' compared with you!

    I thought that the material that comprises nuclear weapons has a half-life nearly as long as an ex-wife has vengeance. We are talking tens of thousands of years here!

    How do you know all this stuff, Amazing? Heck, I'm a genius, but I guess I'm still a dummy compared with you.

    While you have presented and prepared your various "Series" series on justice and such, I think I'll just lay back and plan my "Dummy Series" series on something. I don't know what that will be just yet, but I suppose it won't hold a candle compared with someone who knows just about everything.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • VeniceIT

    Well Farkel if it makes you feel any better your still smarter then the Hall boys!


    "WE will make NO distinction between those who commit the act of Pedophilia and those who harbor them!!!"

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Wait a minute here. What idiotic notion have you come up with about Iraq having nukes? If he had, he would have used them on Israel and if he is working with Bin Laden then he would have let HIM use them on Monday! Those terrorists would love to light the match on one of those.
    BTW, Saddam is not loved nor even respected by Islamic fundamentalists and they would be more likely to overthrow him and create another Iran. Saddam is one of our own pit bulls that went crazy, bit the neighbor then tried to bite us before we clubbed his head.
    Another one we took care of, Khadafi, is all empathy and concern for the people of the U.S. now, All it took was a good butt whipping to slow him down.
    Hey, you like the spotlight, dontcha?

  • Hojon
    Looks like Israeli intelligence is saying that our old friend Sadaam has hooked up with bin Lahden to cook up yesterday’s attacks. Great ... this means war with an insane man who has chems and nukes and can't wait to use them.

    Huh? I seriously doubt he has nuclear weapons. We kicked his ass pretty easily the last time we fought him, I doubt he's stronger now than he was then.

  • Skimmer

    For some unbiased assessments of nuclear weapon capabilities of various countries, try:


    And for Iraq in particular:


  • Bendrr

    Rex. you need to remember that alliances over there are as fickle as high school girls on which boy they like. If it suits the current "jihad" they may very well kiss Saddam's smelly ass.
    America can't operate on the assumption that he doesn't have nukes or for that matter that Bin Laden doesn't have them. You or I could probably buy nukes from the corrupt "former Soviet Union" if we had the money, with friendly customer service and free delivery and a warranty for cryin' out loud.
    And as for Qadaffi, that was President Reagan who opened that can of whoop-ass. If Reagan was still in office yesterday, he would have simply pushed the button and the world would have a big crater.

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