Well, I am back from doing errands. I am thinking that busybee took it a bit far but saw it maybe as I did as a bit selfish. I just do not see how I would do any good at this event. I guess I feel that I have seen too many people I work with die and two of the close circle of people I loveed in the last few yesrs. Dan my co-worker turned quickly and left the family well on the hardship side. So I donated far more than the norm and hjelped send food for the last few days. He was a spunky person and we all wore his favorite color and such to work the last few days. Today I just don't feel like crying. If I had been closer I would have gone probably.
I know that may sound a bit lame. And maybe that is why I used the word "should". As I see it, I do believe that there will be people closer to his wife, "another co-worker of mine" that will fit the bill a bit better. I will see her later when she and I can spend a bit more quality time. It may be selfish, but the Dan I knew would not give a rats a$$ if I went. He would have far more appreciated his wife being taken care of and he probably would have skipped this himself if he could have.
Anyhow, I did not go. as Scarlett O' Hara said...Fiddlee dee, I will worry about it tomorrow.