I could see them making a anouncement in the KM:
In order to keep keep our conventions profitable the WT society has come up with these suggestion for your enjoyment and cleanliness.
All brothers and sisiters will be required to bring a small wash towel and soap These towels really do an excellent job in wiping our private parts. The saving that will be passed on to the WT Society will enable us to buy more printing presses in countries where our brothers are poor.
Hygenically these towels do a better job anyway because they really clean those hard to reach spots. Bothers, not to mention that when we add the softening power of a wet rag, even those spots that toliet paper often leave behind, easily come loose. We feel Jehovah's backing in this new proceedure, and feel that many fine experiences will occur both inside and outside of Jehoavh's organization, as Jehovah's people get to be known world wide for thier cleanliness in these new proceedures.
This is a very timely update and so please DO NOT FORGET! As no TP will be avavilible at conventions any more(If you forget you will be "shit out of luck" as they say)(Or You could just borrow your brothers).