YOU MAY NOT BE TOO FAR OUT W/YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT!! Anything is possible w/these goons.
Limits on paper towel, tp usage at DA's. What next? Have fun w/suggestions
by juni 63 Replies latest jw friends
you are supposed to put it in the trash can when you are done, not the toilet because the plumbing is so bad that even a few squares of paper can clog it all up
Actually, they probably had a septic tank and too much toilet paper is not good for it. I've visited homes in Puerto Rico where they had a special basket next to the toilet for used toilet paper. And the U.S. Virgin Islands relies heavily on rainwater as their water supply, so they have a saying: "In this land of sun and fun, we never flush for #1."
Yes, I remember the total control freaks and I don't miss it one bit! Kind of makes you want to take a really smelly sandwich -- tuna fish or anchovies with Limberger cheese, perhaps? -- to the assembly, with a bottle of wine to wash it down, and put THAT under your seat!
Now that they don't print food tickets anymore, they can print pee tickets. Pass em out the week prior at the congregations like they do for parking tickets. Make them a "contribution" like parking tickets. Then they can close the restrooms during the sessions like they used to do with refreshment stands. They've always wanted to keep people in their seats for the whole session, and this would be a way to do it.
Maybe they'll publish this article soon, for real. If anyone sees it in any WT publication, please let me know. I'll sue the ba$tard$ for plagiarism and copyright infringement.