Before I return to my previous 'topic'...

by AGuest 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    and at risk of further appalling and perhaps even traumatizing some here... I must say that I wonder...

    Do you think this is what Hiroshima 'felt' like for those victimized by IT? Oh, ummmm... sorry, that's right: "they"... "deserved" it. I'm sorry. Truly. Forgive me. I "forgot" that... as many tend to do.

    I mean, how in the world can one compare a "terrorist" act that brought down two buildings and killed tens of thousands of innocent people... with an act of, what, war... that killed... what, millions? No comparison, really... right? Because THAT... was 'justified'; THIS... apparently for some... is not.

    (I also wonder how 'earthling' man even feels justified in crying "vengeance", at the same time condemning it when undertaken by God.)

    Just trying to 'see' how 'earthling' man 'sees'... and figure out how 'earthling' man... uh, well, FIGURES. But truly, I am at a loss...

    I bid you all peace,

    A slave of Christ,


  • COMF

    THIS... apparently for some... is not.

    Is it for you?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I must confess, that was a very good post.

    And you know me, I can't complement you easily because of your claims, but I feel compelled to now.


    How long have you LIVED
    and how long has God LIVED?

    Who is like God?

  • FiveShadows

    The was thinking the SAME thing...shelby, infact i just got done telling that to a friend of mine online...i completely agree with you


    "I heard him talking to me; I did not listen. I heard him praying for me; I did not listen. I heard him crying for me; I still did not listen. Then I heard he died for me; and by this point all I had lived for mean't nothing." ~FiveShadows

  • TD

    Forgive my ignorance Shelby. I had grown up thinking that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not purely military targets by today's standards, but nevertheless were of considerable military importance --Nagasaki for the Mitsubishi Steel & Arms Works and the Mitsubishi-Urakami Ordnance Works. Hiroshima as the Imperial 2nd army headquarters. I had grown up thinking that the U.S. and Japan had by August of 1945 been at war for some time - a conflict that if I remember correctly America neither wanted nor started.

    I had grown up thinking that this was fully four years before the final four conventions were adopted in Geneva. I had grown up thinking that at the time, there was nothing unusual about any of the countries involved singling out quasi-military targets. I had grown up thinking that despite this, many, many Americans regretted the bombings and that America spared no effort in helping Japan rebuild and recover after the war.

    Please don't misunderstand -- I love the Japanese people, and am certainly not defending nor attempting to justify the deaths of 150,000 to 200,000 human beings, the majority of them civilians. It's just that because of the disparity in situation and motives, your comparison strikes me as an overly simplistic 'apple & oranges' generalization.

    But then, what do I know?

  • AGuest

    Ahh, COMF... in the words of Chris Rock:

    "I don't AGREE with it... but I understand it."

    As I stated in my previous post about man... dominating man... to HIS injury. NOTHING done by 'earthling' man, who slaughters his brother, his women and his children... technically and literally... in flesh AND in spirit... surprises... or appalls me. Nothing. Ask 'MOM. She'll corroborate that for you.

    Indeed, there is NOTHING that they might have in mind to do... that THEY think unattainable. Hopefully, however, they will one day LEARN...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Cassiline

    The only comparison I have heard is that of Pearl Harbor and the surpiise attack on WCT, except they knew who the enemy was.While now they can only speculate. I dont believe they were comparing Heroshima to TWC.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • AGuest

    Dearest TD... may you have peace... and may I say:

    You CAN'T be serious. Life... is life, dear one. It doesn't matter WHY the bomb was dropped... does it? It STILL took hundreds of thousands of lives. And as you stated, the U.S. apparently felt 'justified'... yes? Are we to think that those who devasted New York did not feel 'justified'?

    I ask you... just what does it TAKE... other than SOME sense of 'justification'... for a person to volunteer his LIFE... as did the suicide hijackers... for his 'cause'... whatever that 'cause' might be? Do WE need to agree with his cause? Did the victims of Hiroshima agree with OURS?

    Nevermind. Once again, arrogant earthling man... arrogant and perhaps AMERICAN earthling man... 'rides' again.

    The pain of those at Hiroshima, I promise you, TD, was no less than the pain experienced here. I PROMISE you. I am a mother, and I KNOW it wouldn't make one WHIT of difference as to whether you felt 'justified' because of some four-year conflict... in taking the life of my loved one. The pain... would still exist.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think the comparision is not from the new, but Shelby's to compare as to tragedy only.

    How long have you LIVED
    and how long has God LIVED?

    Who is like God?

  • Farkel

    : Just trying to 'see' how 'earthling' man 'sees'... and figure out how 'earthling' man... uh, well, FIGURES. But truly, I am at a loss...

    Should be easy for a judgemental, arrogant twit like you, Shelby.

    If you should ever forget how to judge people, you can always offer a challenge to your "God." God always has the same answer: thumbs down. Knowing those odds, you can save yourself a trip to "God" and just condemn us directly. You get more air time that way, Shelby. But even that doesn't really mattter: God gets his same annual harvest of dead bodies, one way or the other. Do you have any verses to cite where God actually weeps over that harvest of millions of dead bodies he reaps every year, Shelby? Well?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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