Before I return to my previous 'topic'...

by AGuest 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Two reprehensible situations, but I still fail to see how they can be made to be moral equivalents without a great deal of generalization.

    At risk of sounding 'haughty and judgmental', dear TD (and may you have peace, may I say that it seems to ME that the fact that they are BOTH... equally IMMORAL... would make them... 'moral EQUIVALENTS'. Wouldn't you agree?

    Again, peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • TD
    …it seems to ME that the fact that they are BOTH... equally IMMORAL...

    At the risk of sounding overly pedantic Shelby, you are generalizing yet again. The fact that both situations are reprehensible does not by itself make them equally so. Again, it is the varying circumstances under which life is lost that we as a society adjudge the level of culpability of those responsible.

    If you can't or won't see that, or perhaps just flat don't agree with it, then I'll end my participation in this thread by simply wishing you a pleasent evening.

  • TR


    I mean, how in the world can one compare a "terrorist" act that brought down two buildings and killed tens of thousands of innocent people... with an act of, what, war... that killed... what, millions? No comparison, really... right? Because THAT... was 'justified'; THIS... apparently for some... is not.

    This destruction of the towers and the Pentagon was a calculated military act of war. At Pearl harbor we lost some 2000 or so people. The loss of life is many times that in this incident. Like it or not, we are in a world war right now with terrorists. We as American citizens and other countries have an obligation to seek out and destroy the perpetrators. We can't let this stand.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • logical

    Shedding innocent blood is WRONG. It doesnt matter how it is done, how many are killed, be it 1 or 1,000,000. Whether its a 2 nukes dropped on Japan or 2 planes flown into the WTC, IT IS WRONG.

    Both parties were fighting for a cause, but really, was there ANY NEED for the THOUSANDS of innocent lives to be taken?

    These wars are between governments. The people who are having the arguements NEVER fight themselves, they, as Shelby said, hide behind the innocent civilians. They are COWARDS. They get to hide in nuclear bunkers all kitted out with survival stuff, while the common people who simply WANT TO GET ON WITH THEIR LIVES are slaughtered with little or no remorse on either sides.

    If you cannot see how wrong war is, how wrong retaliation is, if you believe the US government were "justified" in nuking Japan, then, you are in need to wake up.

    They need to detain the perpetrators to prevent this from happening again... but NEVER EVER at the expense of INNOCENT blood.

  • larc


    I agree with you. War is terrible, and I wish it woudld end. Many innocent men, women, and children needlessly loose their lives. However, what are we to do about the murderers that just killed thousands of people? If we don't seek them out and get rid of them, they will continue to kill. What our the options?

  • AGuest

    Well, I guess my comment at this point would be:

    Sure, go after Ben Laden. Like they went after Khadafi... and Hussein... and Castro... and the Ayatollah Komenhi.

    Let me ask you... and you tell ME:

    How 'super' of a superpower ARE you if you can't catch Khadafi, can't hogtie Hussein, can't cutoff Castro, can't annihilate the Ayatollah, can't break Ben Laden... but rather only manage to take out a couple thousand INNOCENT lives? Tell me... how 'super'... are you REALLY?

    Do you people REALLY think bombing ANYONE is going to 'get' Ben Laden... or whoever is responsible? Did bombing 'get' Khadafi? Did it 'get' the Ayatollah? Did it 'get' Castro? Did it 'get' Hussein?

    Do you really not see the BIG 'picture' here? REALLY?

    SIGH! Of course you don't. For in truth... 'blind' people... CAN'T see.

    But... I bid you peace... and 'enlightenment'. And hopefully the latter fairly soon. Quick like.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Naeblis

    When the Israelites conquered Canaan, why didn't God take out the leaders instead of killing all those innocent people Shelby?? YOur hypocrisy is astounding. You loudly berate the Americans for potentially killing innocents in their attempts to wipe out terrorists, but then turn a blidn eye to the Israelites who did the exact same thing. Except they did it for a far less noble reason. Theyw anted the land. And they killed baby, woman and man to do it. I've never been more disgusted with you.

  • AGuest

    Dear TD... may you have peace... and at the risk of sounding... no, BEING... honest... please note the words "it seems to ME" in my response. I believe them to be EQUALLY immoral, because I believe the taking of ANY innocent lives... regardless the number... to be immoral.

    Unlike me, however, you may not see them as 'equally' reprehensible. But that could simply be because you and I 'see'... with different 'eyes'.

    I bid you peace,

    A slave of Christ,


  • Julie

    I have it!!! I have the answer!!! Thanks to Shelby's enlightenment we have the answer to this thorny situation. We can go and kill lots of people and it's OK. All we have to do is have "pure hearts" "filled with love" while we slaughter others and it's OK.

    Thank God we have such wonderful wisdom at our disposal!!!!


  • Naeblis

    While she ignores my question... as usual :)

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