Your post made me think. As witnesses we are to remain neutral about war. I have never voiced much of what I thought about wars going on. My daughter enlisted in the Army(she changed her mind) and I suddenly became very opinionated.
I suppose I do not fully understand..........not even partly understand this fight in Iraq....even after all this time. We get bombed at 9/11 and Osoma has taken responsibilty for it, Saddam is caught, (which IMO should have been killed in hole he was hiding in) and we have men getting killed right and left fighting in a country that is not at war with us.
I was taught that Rescuers can become Victims themselves. Use wisdom and caution when offering help. Is it really going to be help or are you doing it for yourself?
The exchange of what is happening in Isreal and Lebanon is WAR to me. There is a definition of bounderies and everyone seems to know whats pissed people off.
Oh, I am better at cleaning and mowing the yard and cooking dinner. I.m not discounting myself, but to start to understand all this to say the least is overwhelming after so much time with my head in the sand.
Its very sad the extremes people go to get their way, further their cause. Parents even do it with children in the battle of Divorce.
Thank you to everyone for your comments and I hope that all had a wonderful day..........even LDH with no A/C. I think I would have made a trip to the Mall or frozen food section at the Grocery. I would definatley need to be in the A/C to sleep.