This morning I was talking to my wife, and as I uttered a phrase, I swear my fathers voice came out. I had to stop for minute. I started to reflect a little and realized that I have alot of his mannerisms. I swore that I would never be like my parents. I must say that I have a great friendship with my pop. I consider him one of my best/closets friends. I like that I see simalarites. Anyone else notice this with your parents? S.
I'm hearing voices.
by seahart 14 Replies latest jw friends
If I ever start sounding like my father, I'll kill myself.And if I start acting like my mother, then I better check myself into a mental hospital and tell them I have schizophrenia.
One time a co-worker was telling me a joke, and all of a sudden I heard my mother's laugh. I looked around to see where the hell was she. Then I realized that the laugh actually came from me! Needless to say I was scared out of my mind!
Just so you don't start sounding like your avatar. As I recall Bill Murray in Caddyshack he talked with his lower lip drooping off to one side.
Many years ago I read the phrase "Mirror Mirror on the wall, I've become my mother after all". I've worked hard not to say that.
I have a book called "How NOT To Become Your Mother" ! My sister and I have a pinky pact....if either of us starts to turn into our mother, we have a shoot to kill order.
"Clean that plate there are starving children in CHINA!" " I dont like your TONE young lady!" "STAND UP STRAIGHT or yer gonna get Dowagers HUMP!" "Its alright YOOOOU go to the party...Im fine myself...(sigh) no...I'll be fine... (sigh)...go on ahead without me...."
I swore that I would never be like my parents. ......and..... I must say that I have a great friendship with my pop.
I consider him one of my best/closets friends. I like that I see simalarites.
Frankly, i'm a bit confused by your two conflicting statements. Maybe i'm just dumb.
Only once in 16 years of parenting have I crossed the dreaded line....
My daughter was about 8 and being very insolent.....I was very upset about something she had failed to do and she acted like it was no big deal.
I said, "Oh, you don't believe fat meat is greasy, huh?" Growing up this comment usually preceeded an @$$-whipping.
That was a shocking first and last!
My brother who is 68 was here a month ago, we hadn't seen each other in 5 years. Well I nearly fell out laughing he looked just our Dad. Well he fell out laughing and said OMG you look just like Mom and sound like her. It was a really wild moment we had turned into our parents. Fortunately we don't mind being like them because they were really good parents. Gestures, speech, comments all were astonishing to us both. How funny it all was as I'm now 55 and my brother is 68. It was an amazing moment.
Gunby, Growning up I didn't want to be like my parents. Who does? Now that I am older I don't mind that I see the similarties. Like I said I have a great relationship with my dad as well as my mom. My parents have been there for me and my siblings at very emotional moments and I wish more people could depend on their family like I can mine. S.