My truth ....

by BobsGirl 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BobsGirl

    I have tried to tell my story several times…. and faltered. With much kind encouragement, I will try one more time. My story is not a short one … please bear with me.

    I was the firstborn of the sixth generation of JW’s in my family. We had the kind of “Christian Heritage” that they spoke of in assembly parts. According to family legend, both of my maternal great- great-great-grandfathers were postmasters, one in Arkansas and one in West Virginia, when the Bible Students circulated a mass mailing to all of the US postmasters. They both accepted these new teachings and were fundamental in founding the first congregations in these two states. There were several of those 5 generations past ancestors of mine who claimed to be of the anointed. Of the later generations, too many to count have served in congregational positions that include Regular and Special Pioneers, Ministerial Servants, Elders, CO’s, PO’s, City Overseers. I have never attended, in all of my life, a District Assembly where one of my relatives was not delivering an address, participating in a drama or demonstration, or giving their experience. I myself served as a Regular Pioneer for 5 years and in a Spanish-speaking congregation for 2.

    My maternal great-grandfather was a pedophile. He abused my grandmother, my mother, myself. Three of the six generations. He abused three generations of congregation children. He died in his 90’s, in good standing. He was never disfellowshipped, although I have been assured that he was counseled on occasion.

    My mother was baptized when she was 9 years old, my father converted from the Pentecostal faith to become a JW when he was 16 years old. I was baptized when I was 14. The very first time I saw my father cry was when he performed my baptism.

    I never had a choice. I was JW for generations before my birth. I was JW when I was two years old and my great-grandfather was fondling me. I was JW when I was seven and being molested by the son of a witness family that lived down the block. I was JW when I was 12 and my first Witness crush thought that it would be funny to slip his hand down my skirt in the backseat of the car while we were out in field service. I was JW when he would hit me. I was JW when I was informed, upon the reporting of these incidents to the elders, that I was being put on reproof for not having “screamed”. It was thier belief that because these abuses happened both before and after my baptism, that my failing to bring it to them again post dedication indicated my willing participation in the events. The fact that my father was a member of the body of elders and had already informed me that "if anything like that was happening, you must be doing something to encourage it". I was JW when these three men held me accountable for the "sins" of my past.

    I had a choice when I was 22. I sought therapy. I had a choice when I confronted my family and the brothers about my great-grandfathers’ pedophilia and the behavior of certain brothers in the congregation. I had a choice when I became the first person in six generations of witnesses to walk away.

    When these men made their choice, I made mine. Not out of spite, not to live the decadent lifestyle, but to be safe. I had been raped, beaten and emotionally assaulted to the point that I was convinced of two things. First, I knew that if I were to continue association with this organization I would die, probably by my own hand. Second, this was not the house of God.

    I “drifted” for two years, finally deciding to move 2 hours North and start a new life. My life after leaving the JW’s has convinced me of many new things.

    I believe that there is a God.

    I do not believe that he had anything to do with what happened to me.

    I believe that, like any perfect parent, he/she/it scooped me up in gentle arms and began gently kissing my wounds away with little blessings. I met a man that loves me, madly. I met a man that I could trust, lust after, and love, madly. Fortunately, for the both of us, he was the same man! I was a princess on my wedding day. I felt like a virgin. We have a perfect son. I finally understand what unconditional love means. I have dear friends. I own a home. I have not one, but two retirement accounts.

    I am a very lucky woman. I have also lost more to this organization than I can say. I am now trying to decide whether to participate in the proposed lawsuits. Whatever my choice on this matter, I am facing the inevitable loss of contact with my family. I know that one-day they will choose this faith and their heritage over me. I know it, I just don’t want to see or hear it. Not yet.


  • think41self


    I am so glad you finally felt strong enough to share some of your story with us. I admire your courage in doing so.

    I cannot even put into words the outrage I feel for the abuse you suffered. Though many on this board have suffered similarly...each child abused is a crashing cymbal of innocence lost, trust betrayed, love subverted and cruelly twisted.

    You were smart to go into therapy at a relatively young age, I am sure that helped you tremendously. You were also smart to move away. Most who try to stay in contact with their abuser suffer prolonged mental anguish...some even get drawn back into an abusive relationship, or see their children suffer the same fate as they did. So BRAVO to you for breaking the cycle in your family!

    I am happy you are able to experience a normal family life with your husband and son, I hope you thoroughly enjoy raising your son as a free thinking individual who can make his own choices about his life. That is the greatest gift you can give him.

    Again, thank you for sharing


    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing." Abdullah

  • BobsGirl

    Thank you for your response. I was just about to erase it again.


  • peaceloveharmony


    i'm so glad you finally were able to share your story. (((((bobsgirl))))

    i'm at a loss for words...just am happy you are safe and have bright future to look to.

    love you, bob and baby

    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • BobsGirl

    (((Mony)))). Love to you too!


  • slipnslidemaster

    Chin up. Hold your head high.

    I like that you have 2 retirement accounts. I think that's cool.

    Slipnslidemaster: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    - Albert Einstein

  • Billygoat


    Your kindness and wit in chat has been such an encouragement to me when I've not felt up to par. You have spiritual gifts. You have skills. Many which you may not have been if it weren't for your horrible experiences. I often look back to my past and physically grimace over the pain. I would never wish my past on my worst enemy - yet I wouldn't change a thing! It has made me into the woman I am. Thank you for inspiring in me, even more courage and strength. You have much to give this world. I'm glad you're here to give it!

    Christian hugs,

  • BobsGirl


    Bob says you are cool. Thanks.


  • BobsGirl


    I really enjoyed our chats too. They are encouraging for me as well.... heaven knows we could use a little levity this week!


  • think41self

    Awwww Thanks Bobsgirl

    And you can give this to Bob for me

    We are here to support each other after all, aren't we? If you are looking for similar experiences to your own, you should check out Silentlambs webpage...there are even other experiences in this same forum that are similar to yours. My sisters story is posted here, her name is Safe4kids. Maybe you would find some comfort in reading that too.

    Stay strong and take good care of yourself.

    Edited for P.S. Billygoat is WAY COOL!

    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."


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