Soon we would be going door to door and telling people they can no longer be saved, and that they are doomed.
That would have been ever so much more fun than trying to get them study the WT publications.
by JH 38 Replies latest jw friends
Soon we would be going door to door and telling people they can no longer be saved, and that they are doomed.
That would have been ever so much more fun than trying to get them study the WT publications.
According to my mum who has just returned from the Convention in Norwich they are no longer preaching the Good News but a message of doom. So, we are really really really really close to the end, apparently. :)
*** w84 3/15 pp. 18-19 God’s United "Mighty Nation" to Fill the Earth ***
The expanding visible organization of Jehovah is nearing the time when he will use it in another mighty way: to deliver his final judgment message against this system. This may be likened to the time when the Israelites, who had already marched around Jericho once a day for six days, were instructed: "On the seventh day you should march round the city seven times and the priests should blow the horns. . . . When you hear the sound of the horn, all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat." So on the final day the work speeded up by seven times! Then the horns sounded, the people shouted a war cry and "the wall began to fall down flat."—Joshua 6:2-5, 20.
Today the "soft" waters of truth are being taken to the people to encourage them to turn to Jehovah. But the day soon will come when the message will turn "hard." It will announce the imminent end of this entire satanic system. The soft waters of truth will congeal to become the hard hailstones of truth. So powerful will these final judgment messages be that they are likened to "a great hail with every stone about the weight of a talent," that is, of gigantic size. That is why Revelation 16:21 states: "The plague of it was unusually great."Blondie,
And the comment that I made at THAT W.T. study was:
"If you can't get out in service now, you sure aren't going to be able to get out then".
What an encouraging comment. That must have made any weak ones fall into despair.
As others have pointed out, we were always taught that just before the end the message would change from "last chance" to "too late". We would be like Jeremiah delivering a message of doom. I kind of looked forward to that. Seemed like it would be a lot more fun than trying to talk some asshole in a big house with a Cadillac in the driveway into a free home Bible study. Just ring the bell and say "You're toast, M----r F----r, and don't start pleading! It's too damn late!" (All the while checking out his crib you might want for yourself after the big A.)
But, seriously. I can't see the WT telling everyone the door has been shut and sealed. That would be slow suicide for the Org.
My mind is so filled with these unscriptural fanciful conjectures! I cant get them out of my head and they make me miserable and crazy. And I have no one to talk with about them but you all. No one out there in the world has the patience to put up with an exJW's misery! The amount of useless crap that was drilled into our heads is huge!
If it helps you any, I've called the WT on any number of occasions with feigned panic in my voice.
"Watchtower"--singsong voice answers phone
"IS THIS ARMAGEDDON YET?" --me, faking panic (usually after something has happened, like a tsunami etc)
"Um....let me transfer you to the Service Department...."
"Service Department"
"YOU GOTTA TELL ME IF THIS IS ARMAGEDDON" --by now I'm laughing and have to put the phone on mute
"Um.....are you a Jehovah's Witness......"
"Well sister, calm you have your Revalation, Grand Climax book at hand?" (no shit)
"Well let us review some scriptures with you...." Then they go into how no man knows the day or hour, but it must be ANY DAY NOW, and they share with me that I KNOW I'M supposed to be attending meetings and progressing towards baptism.....blah blah blah.....they drone on and on...
When I've had enough, I just usually say something like, "I gotta go, MONTEL WILLIAMS is coming on." and I hang up.
Hey if they don't mind interrupting people's lives with their mindless drivel, I don't mind interrupting theirs.
But what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall after that call.....
You might's well have fun with it Class
--by now I'm laughing and have to put the phone on mute
I think I'd be laughing the moment they pick up the phone.
Credit to you for being able to make such a phone call without falling of the floor in fits of laughter.
Credit to you for being able to make such a phone call without falling of the floor in fits of laughter
You shoulda seen me during the JR Brown call, I almost needed Depends.....
Axel I'm sending you an email in a second.
Oh wow! And I thought I was sick and twisted.
Way to go!