Will your congregation exist in 50 years?

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    Greetings again truthseeker,

    Re: Will your congregation exist in 50 years?

    No we are in need of an Irish pub or titty bar here. The exsisting KH would fit the bill. Then too, I could enjoy the $1000.00 I have invested in the roof on the place.


  • eyeslice

    I once tried to work out the average age of the publishers in our congregation (so the figure does not include children who are not unbaptised publishers). At the time, (about 5 years ago) I estimated that the average age was late 40s. Now it will be mid 50s - as very few youngs come along and the remaining ones age.
    I think the trend will continue. JWs will become like many other mainstream churches where the main support are from older people, typically pensioners.

  • FairMind

    No, I don’t believe my congregation or any others will exist in 50 years. With the current world situation (impending energy crisis, mid-eastern wars, and growing danger from rogue nations with nuclear capabilities, environment issues, etc.) the world 50 years hence will be a greatly changed place (maybe a burnt out cinder). This is of course an optimistic outlook.

  • blondie

    I think there will still be a WTS like today's but much smaller; or a different kind of WTS and bigger; the WTS has adjusted many times of the years. I look at the many religions that existed in Russell's day and how many still exist today although in a different incarnation.

    Remember the WTS would have liked you to believe that the Bible Students had disappeared, but they are still here.

    Blondie (remembering my Bible Student grandparents)

  • Warlock

    Since Armaggedon is going to come any day now, I don't think any congregations will be around in 50 years.

    The whole Earth is going to be one giant congregation very soon.................very,very soon............right around the corner...............quickly..................Amen!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    If it does I'll lose a bet. I bet my parents that the org wouldn't last another fifty years.

    The thought that it will evolve and become like other mainstream religions could be true but then that would make it a fundementally different religion so the org as we know it would cease to exist.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    If it does I'll lose a bet. I bet my parents that the org wouldn't last another fifty years.

    The thought that it will evolve and become like other mainstream religions could be true but then that would make it a fundementally different religion so the org as we know it would cease to exist.

    Damn double post, soz

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