Where do I begin? well let's see I'm 24yrs old and since I was 5 I've been taught ''The Truth'' I remember going to the hall when I was a little girl with my grandmother I attended did the bible study and I learned a lot and I'm greatfull even though I'am no longer in the religion I grew up like everyone else saw and learned a lot of other things of this world none which have made me belive anything I have found myself asking lately what is happening with this world? why doesn't doesn't Jehovah do something and stop the pain for everyone? but I know in my heart one day he will it's just that I know I'm lacking in faith and I feel a lot of us are, I have never and will never stop beliving that Jehovah Is are God and that Jesus will save us from this hurtfull world even though I haven't been to the hall in a long time does not mean I will deny or ignore The Truth it's there for those few that are not blind to see we are lucky to know these things a lot of people in this world live there lives in the dark and lost we are not in the dark we know where the light is and shines! I hope we all can find are way back one day before it's to late! I love you JEHOVAH!!!
We are all lacking in Faith!
by The Truth 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In Between
... someone needs a few shots of tequila ...
G'day "The Truth" and Welcome Aboard!
You've joined up with a worldwide association of true friends and we're glad to meet you.
Thanks for telling us a little about yourself. Can I ask about what you say:
since I was 5 I've been taught ''The Truth'' I remember going to the hall when I was a little girl with my grandmother I attended did the bible study and I learned a lot and I'm greatfull even though I'am no longer in the religion
I'm curious, if it's the "Truthâ„¢", how is it that you're separated from it?
It seems it was too hard for you, they made you feel you're not good enough, would tha be right?
That seems strange when Jesus said his" burden was kindly and his load was light" (Matthew 11:30)
Is it possible that you found that being a Witness wasn't like that? So I must sk, do you really think that what you were raised in is "the Truthâ„¢"?
Anyway, make yourself at home and feel freeto share.
Cheers from downunder, Ozzie
The Truth -- I think you are going to hear alot of comments suggesting you first find out the truth about the truth . The WTBTS has proven a false prophet and even involved itself with the UN which it claimed was satanic . So you tell us why you still think it's the truth .
I don't ever want to find my way back to The Truth, because all The Truth adds up to is 1 BIG LIE!
Thanks your lucky stars you are out and get over the guilt.You have nothing to be guilty of.
... someone needs a few shots of tequila ... OR has had a few too many shots already!
I'm scared now...
With a 100% failure rate, how can it still be 'truth'? You can leave a destructive organization and not leave God. They are not one in the same.
a lot of people in this world live there lives in the dark and lost we are not in the dark we know where the light is and shines!
You are so right.
The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was created through Him, yet the world did not recognize Him. John 1:9-10
The Watchtower does not recognise Him either.
His name is Jesus.
... someone needs a few shots of tequila ...
sounds more like they might have already had a few.