My faith is stronger than ever! I believe wholeheartedly that the Watchtower Society is a cult and a scam. Give yourself time, the scales will fall off your eyes.
by The Truth 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My faith is stronger than ever! I believe wholeheartedly that the Watchtower Society is a cult and a scam. Give yourself time, the scales will fall off your eyes.
S'allright, daystar, I am familiar with that concept as well. My aesthetics are jarred when I meet a person so despondent, so low, that they no longer feel the sunshine. I prefer to bask in the light, having brushed against evil one too many times in my life. If I can help "The Truth" enjoy the light a little more, I'll be happier.
S'allright, daystar, I am familiar with that concept as well. ; My aesthetics are jarred when I meet a person so despondent, so low, that they no longer feel the sunshine. I prefer to bask in the light, having brushed against evil one too many times in my life. If I can help "The Truth" enjoy the light a little more, I'll be happier.
Point very well understood. Were I in a position of despondency, I think I may choose to momentarily fall back upon a sort of faith as well. I see nothing wrong with that.
have never and will never stop beliving that Jehovah Is are God and that Jesus will save us from this hurtfull world even though I haven't been to the hall in a long time does not mean I will deny or ignore The Truth it's there for those few that are not blind to see we are lucky to know these things a lot of people in this world live there lives in the dark and lost we are not in the dark we know where the light is and shines! I hope we all can find are way back one day before it's to late! I love you JEHOVAH!!!
This attitude is probably pretty common among some who have left for various reasons, not including what they have found out about the cult, but because of other reasons, leading to feelings of self-loathing and guilt. The natural thing for someone with these feelings to do, of course, is identify people who they believe are worse than themselves.
Naturally, I figure this post isn't for real.
When the subject of 'faith' reared its ugly head earlier this week I said:
'Faith and belief are nothing more than states of mind which we have placed value on. Like all states of mind they are subject to change.Brittle minds are shattered when belief systems collapse and this teaches us to be prepared for change and development.
A grasp of reality requires no belief system or faith - just courageous awareness and honesty'
I was an oak, now I’m a willow I can bend.
There is nothing more to add.......
The point I take exception to is that "we're all lacking in Faith". "The Truth" (the poster) is spitting out the false Watchtower teaching that those who question are weak. I want to say, "Speak only for yourself" because, in my case, I have never had more faith.
I know how much courage it takes to leave Watchtower, the publishing company. I liken it to being part of the Resistance during the Nazi era. To stand up and do the right thing even though all your loved ones are snowed under by empty words and false hope is difficult.
I am proud of my courage and my conviction to live faith. Posting to this community is a good first step to learning about empty Watchtower deceptions. May you eventually find joy and peace at the end of each day.
Grace to you.
I love you JEHOVAH!!!
This posting stinks to high heaven and I believe Jeffro nailed the reasons.
The slightly breathless, hysterical tone added to the illogical conclusions she reaches makes me think of nothing so much as someone who is spewing as fast as she can, so she can leave the board. This type of apologist believes that if they dive-bomb in and jump out quickly they will not be contaminated by the apostate virus, but will have done a "witness."
Also, I've noticed that this type usually will not come back to read comments or respond to questions.
It would be a complete waste of time to respond to them, except it occasionally livens things up a bit!
Welcome to "The Truth"!
[Well, I am going to take the post at face value, just suppose there is a girl out there who means what she says?]
I guess your post was a bit suprising to us old cynics. But stay around , share your comments, discuss with us. We will be pleased to have you.
ass clown...
Frankly I'd rather be murdered by God than live with the arrogant, hypocritical and mean attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses.