So, what are we here for? Is it merely for entertainment? Is it to help out? Is it to find a voice and evolve? Is it to meet up with other "survivors"? Is it to sharpen our teeth on doctrine, policy, argumentation, history, or life in general? Is it to grow and help grow? Is it to make a few friends, and hopefully not too many enemies?
All of the above...
In my year and a bit that I have been here, I have made some considerable, and what I hope to be, life long friends, friends who count for something and who know full well that if they need me or visa versa I will be on the end of a phone line and out like a shot if needs be. I have broken mentally free from an oppressive regime which existed in my head some 10 years after my physical exit and I cannot thank enough the people who have sped that process on. Now being free I think its time I gave something back and tried to help where I can and wouldnt dream of permanently leaving JWD. Sometimes perhaps a timeout is needed, late last year I didnt post as often and I came back with what I consider to be renewed strength.
Where goodbyes are necessary I dont see the need for longwinded explanations when just a quick note to say that some 'timeout' is needed would suffice; of course it is sad when a poster leaves the board particularly if they have previously contributed substantially but I agree there is no reason for long drawn out goodbyes with an essay of explanation...its just life and we move on. For those who want to stay in touch after JWD then surely there is the option of swapping email addresses or phone numbers dependent on how close you are to them.
In my view there is no reason for finality, no reason to grieve, no reason to mourn a posters absence when they are very much still alive and kicking.