For what it's worth, when I posted my "Not a goodbye, Just a see ya 'round" thread I was posting an average of 14.7 posts per day. I have had this account since October and have logged nearly 4,000 posts. Some people have gotten accustomed to me being here nearly 24 hours a day, and I thought I was being considerate of them by letting them know that I will drop from insanely-ever-present poster to occasional poster. I got a good many PMs from people that I had no idea were even reading my posts, I am glad I let everyone know.
I guess I see the issue as one of notifying those with an expectation of support that the support will be reduced considerably for a time. In my case, if I can manage to get to where I want to be in four years time I will be back with both guns blazing. If I can't I will postpone my guns blazing.
Courtesy of SixofNine, Leolaia, Narkissos, PeacefulPete, and many others I have to relearn a lot that I thought I had already learned. I know the Bible backward and forward, but I need to add more depth and breadth to my knowledge. That takes time.
My average has dropped by one post per day in only a week. I felt like that sharp of a change in the support level I can offer deserved a bit of an explanation, and while I wouldn't say goodbye Google I don't think I am Google's friend, nor would I want to meet up with Google at a coffee house if I were ever in Google's neighborhood. If this place is a place of healing, where the human spirit can mend itself—a place of group therapy of a sort—then the patients who come here seeking group therapy rightly depend on the individuals in the group to some extent.
I guess, when I Google I just see electrons. Here I see people. In pain. Confused. Happy. Lame. Intelligent. Empathetic. I have never described a results list from Google as any of these. In my opinion, this is neither like Google, nor JUST a Web forum. If it were, it wouldn't be nearly so hard for me to limit my posts here. But, that is just my opinion.