I found out something interesting. A good little witness boy about 16 that I used to babysit and who was in my wedding was caught by his mom, making his littlest cousin (5) (Please don't get offended by this. I have no idea how to put such an awful thing nicely) suck his %$@*. You get the picture. The mother kept this quiet but the little boy told his parents who in turn turned the 16 year old into the elders. The elders had a meeting and decided to privately reprove him. See this boy is part of a big family in our area. Though this family is really screwed up, they always get preferential treatment and this case proved that very fact. Word got out to additional family members of what had happened and one called the CO. The CO reproved the elders involved, said they must disfellowship the 16 year old and alert every head of household in the congregation of what happened in case he did it to more than one child. The CO then told the little boy's family to persue whatever legal means they felt necessary. The CO did the right thing, I believe in part because of all the news attention brought to such situations by Silent Lambs. Maybe you will get their policies to change and everyone to do the right thing. Much kudos to you silentlambs and to all who have been brave enough to tell your story and take a stand!!! You have saved this little boy and hopefully many others.
Silent Lambs is doing good work.
by unique1 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes it is... I continue to hear regularly from 'newbies' who've come 'out' thru that avenue.
unique1, did you want to post more? Try putting it in notepad first then cut and paste.
A lot of resources on this site. I post it on my review every week.
Sorry I accidentally hit enter before having typed a word, so I had to go back and edit. You should see the story there now.
Some have had issues with Silent Lambs due to personality issues with Bill Bowen. Having met him in 2002 I have to say that he was certainly an interesting character, and I wonder if anyone with less tenacity would have gotten Silent Lambs the profile that it needed and achieved. To that end I applaud his efforts, even while acknowledging that a few toes got stepped on along the way.
Silent Lambs has done and continues to do great work!
I agree, LT; I have met Bill several times; he has people who help behind the scenes as well. Bill would be the first to say that SilentLambs is more than Bill Bowen and is for the victims, survivors and their families. With the possible new legal precedents coming up, it would be good to use this resource to publicize it.
What we can do as individuals is to check what the clergy reporting laws are in our area and what the statutes of limitations are. Find other groups seeking to change the laws and work with them.
Despite possible character flaws, you have to admit it has gotten the media's attention and therefore the societies attention. That was enough to get others to speak out and to bring about change in an extremely flawed system. You and I both know a few years ago, that CO wouldn't have taken the drastic action he did. He may have ordered the Disfellowshipping, but not the other stuff. It doesn't matter whether you like the dude or not, what really matters is that no more children get hurt!!
Getting SUED may have opened a few WTS eyes, as well....