by badboy 32 Replies latest jw friends
One occasion that the congregation falling about happened during a Watchtower study.
The section was dealing with how in ancient Israel, the mother taught the daughter womans work and the father taught the son his "secular" work.
A boy of about 10 yrs old was picked to answer. His reply was "In Israel the daughter was taught housework by the mother and the father taught his son his SEXUAL work."
Well the congregation just fell about laughing. Even the WT conductor couldn't carry on, trying move on to next paragraph. But the WT reader couldn't read it for laughing.
It was the only time I recall were the whole congregation really laughed. Even theones who usually kept a straight face.
The talks on masturbation.
It's interesting to note that most of us can probably count on one hand the times that the congregation really got caught up in laughter or just having a light moment during the meeting no matter how many years we were active JWs.
Now, think about how many meetings we attended over the years...book study, ministry school, service meeting, public talk, WT study. Five meetings a week, 52 weeks a year, year after year after year...and yet we can remember the few times that the congregation had a hearty laugh during the
indoctrinationmeeting.And they like to call themselves "happy people"...
I wonder if the 10 yr. old EVER answered again?
>>It's interesting to note that most of us can probably count on one hand the times that the congregation really got caught up in laughter or just having a light moment during the meeting no matter how many years we were active JWs.
I was lucky, my first congregation LOVED to laugh. (Bethel, Ohio congregation) If we got thru a meeting without the entire congregation rolling at some point, it was unusual. People even felt comfortable making comments that were entirely humorous, with no intent to add to the discussion. And as you can imagine, everyone loved it.
We had a CO stop by, who pointed out that the Bible makes little use of humor, and it has no place in a talk from the platform. I can't remember any advice from any CO that was so utterly ignored!
I went up to go to the bathroom once, and tripped over my dads breifcase, and feel flat on my stomach, I had a red skirt on, and those that turned around saw my underwear. The whole KH was slient, even the speaker. I had to give a talk in the "C" room too, I walked as fast as I could out of there, and cried my eyes out because I was so humiliated, the main reason is because I had a crush on a boy at the hall. It was quite the site and hilarious.
My mom and I had to give an experience on the stage about me being a teenager in the org and how I had changed overtime. One of the topics was how I used to do my hair. Well, it was the late 80s so at one point, my mom asks me, "and what did I used to say about your hair Nikki?", I responded with, "you told me I looked like a rooster". The hall was in tears laughing, personally it was not that funny, to me it was funnier not being able to talk on stage until everyone stopped laughing.
Nowman's post reminded me of one time the audience lost it. The part was on youth and what their goals were. We had the teenager about to graduate high school, who of course assured us he intended to work parttime and pioneer. We had the 12 year old that was looking forward to aux. pioneering in the summer and eventually going to Bethel. Then we came to the 7 year old...
"What are you planning to do when you grow up?" the conductor asked him.
Without hesitation, he replied with a huge smile, "I'm gonna be a mud-racer!"
OMG! The audience absolutely lost it, just priceless stuff.
We had a CO stop by, who pointed out that the Bible makes little use of humor, and it has no place in a talk from the platform. I can't remember any advice from any CO that was so utterly ignored!
Your comment reminds me of an elder that we had for a few years who was a great speaker. He was witty and sharp. He loved to use humor in all his parts. To many, he was considered the best speaker we had, because he was so down to earth, humble and just plain funny. No part of his went by without some kind of pun, joke or observation. But, he always tied it to the material. He wasn't being funny for funny sake, he was using it to make points and to help us remember those points.
That is, until a particularly dry CO came through and cut him down for being a "comedian" instead of a "spiritual man". He seemed to change after that. His talks were less lively, and he didn't seem to be excited about giving them as much. He moved away a couple of years later and I never saw him again. I wonder what ever happened to him.
We had a CO stop by, who pointed out that the Bible makes little use of humor, and it has no place in a talk from the platform.
For a bunch of people that claim to know the Bible so well, they obviously don't get it. THe Bible is full of irony and sarcasism. Do you think Jesus got a laugh when he told people to pull the big old pole out of their eye before they pulled the splinter from their own. Or Paul, talking about the super Apostles.