***have found your'e much happier than when you were in it?***
Freedom usually is more conducive to happiness than imprisonment.
***Have you found life better on the outside?***
Let me see, selling magazines, following countless rules, and attending boring meetings vs. college education, career, holidays, freedom of choice. Yes, the "outside" is just a tad better.
***Did you feel a sense of freedom or was it really hard to adjust?***
It was the sense of freedom that was hard to adjust to, after years of being told what to do. But it was well worth the effort.
Are you happier out of the org?
by dobbie 48 Replies latest jw experiences
jgnat hi,great picture, i do often feel trapped somewhere i don't want to be anymore, just haven't the guts to fly away for freedom yet. Have had my head messed up for about 13 years now, needs serious de-junking! Don't want my little ones to grow up feeling the same way, it was having them that made me start to question certain things in the first place.
I think it is essential to have a healthy replacement social circle when you make the decision to leave the WTS though. It makes for a smooth transition into freedom. Otherwise it can get very lonely and find yourself gravitating back into that mess. Even a couple of friends that understand what you are going through should suffice.
Unbrainwashed made a really good point. It is really important to have a support system in place. Leaving the org is definitely a rough transition. Personally, I am much healthier emotionally since fading away. Having some close, supportive friends definitely makes the process easier.
I have had happy moments in and out. Never truly depressed for any length of time. Although, since leaving, happiness is easier to maintian and find.
Hi Dobbie,
You are going to be the same person inside as outside, you said you were lonely out and lonely in, so that seems to be an area where you need to attempt to retrain your thought processes.
I was raised a JW and generally a happy person and still am. However I spent 10 years doubting the organization and became extremely resentful during that time at being trapped in a lie. Leaving was a huge relief and nothing could ever make me want to go back, so I am far happier now.
The question that your friend asked is a 'thought stopping' technique used by cults. It generates fear within you so as to prevent you contemplating alternatives. It is not a relevant question. The question to ask is "is this the Truth?" If you research from that point of view you will be astounded by the lies that the Watchtower faith is based on and will not want to be part of it. You will then realise that your happiness has no connection to being a JW.
Hi dobbie,
welcome to the board! My family has been out with me now for over 2 years. this includes me and hubby and two kids now 11 and 13 years old. Yes!!!! We are all much happier. We are free to worship God and Jesus in any way we see fit and to associate with whomever we want to. We have "widened" out in our associations and have met many great people in the last two years.
Our kids have some great friends and are busy with activities with them and in school. They are for the first time really enjoying being kids without constant worry of displeasing Jehovah and being destroyed.
We are still a spiritual family that worships God and believe in his kingdom. We try to show kindness to all people no matter what their beliefs and feel that most people regardless of thier religious beliefs are good folk. This has changed our total outlooks on life and we are no longer so gloomy with pessimistic attitudes. this in itself has made us much happier people.
I was on antidepresents in the org. and now am totally off meds. My hubby and I were constantly fighting because of stress and now are much happier and more in love than ever. And as I said, the kids are thriving. I have recently gone back to work part time and my hubby got a great promotion at work so life is looking good right now. We realized we both missed some good opportunities while in the org by putting our lives on hold and feel stupid for doing so, but we can only go on from this point on.
In the beginning we felt a little lost but soon enough got back into life. You know its kind of like being in a coma for a long time, for me 12 years, and suddenly awakening and realizing your life stood still for those years while everyone around you kept on living. You have to almost make up for lost time. This may mean you have to make decisions about family, employment, education and religion all over again. But it is well worth it in the end. Before you know it your outlook on life will be renewed and you will feel like you have a second chance on life and you do. God bless, I hope I helped in some way, Lilly
Welcome dobbie!
Anyone who left were forbidden to speak to those still inside the tent. There they sat, beet-red, telling each other that at least they were happier in the tent.
Thanks for sharing that one, Jgnat. For a never-dub and simply married to one, you have extreme insight.
I probably would have killed myself if I hadn't left. And at that time I still believed it to be the "truth". I am much happier now without the constant feelings of guilt for doing nothing wrong to begin with.
I'm definetly more sane being on the outside. I still have good days and bad days but at least now I can breathe.