I think the Jews should have their own homeland in a place that historically belongs to them, the Arabs have plenty of land from Morocco to Iraq.
It does NOT "historically" belong to them. This argument only is valid for bible kooks and other assorted religious loons. They were a conquered people and booted out long, long ago. Do they really believe that some ridiculous book of fairy tales (written by their own ancestors) provides some "heavenly" justification for the existence of the "secular" state of israel? Bullocks!!!!
By this logic, ALL the land in North America, South America and Australia should be given back to the indigenous NATIVE populations, as it was forcibly stolen from them.
As for metatrons argument, equally ridiculous. The exact SAME thing could be said of pretty much EVERY modern secular state in existence today! The USA wouldnt exist today without the historical roles of Britain and France eradicating the Indian populations. So by metatrons logic, this gives France and UK the moral right to march into the States, bulldoze your houses, kick your families out into the streets, treat them like subhumans and take over your land?