What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually di

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually die?

    I know so many in the congregation in their mid 70's and older. Many of these older ones are pillars in the congregation.

    I was just wondering what effect it will have 5 to 10 years from now, when all these older ones will be too sick to attend meetings or dead. Will this create a panic in the congregation seeing the older ones who were so zealous die off one by one.

    I'm sure that these older ones really believe the end is before their own end.

  • IP_SEC
    What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually di

    Their bodys will slowly decompose and go back to the dust. Unless they have a really good coffin. Then the goo will pretty much just stay there.

  • JH

    That's terrible IP

  • Elsewhere

    Year Average Publishers Percent Change
    1945 "127,478"
    1946 "158,034" 19.34%
    1947 "181,071" 12.72%
    1948 "230,532" 21.46%
    1949 "279,421" 17.50%
    1950 "328,572" 14.96%
    1951 "384,694" 14.59%
    1952 "426,704" 9.85%
    1953 "468,106" 8.84%
    1954 "525,924" 10.99%
    1955 "570,694" 7.84%
    1956 "591,556" 3.53%
    1957 "653,273" 9.45%
    1958 "717,088" 8.90%
    1959 "803,482" 10.75%
    1960 "851,378" 5.63%
    1961 "884,587" 3.75%
    1962 "920,920" 3.95%
    1963 "956,648" 3.73%
    1964 "1,001,870" 4.51%
    1965 "1,034,268" 3.13%
    1966 "1,058,675" 2.31%
    1967 "1,094,280" 3.25%
    1968 "1,155,826" 5.32%
    1969 "1,256,784" 8.03%
    1970 "1,384,782" 9.24%
    1971 "1,510,245" 8.31%
    1972 "1,596,442" 5.40%
    1973 "1,656,673" 3.64%
    1974 "1,880,713" 11.91%
    1975 "2,062,449" 8.81%
    1976 "2,138,537" 3.56%
    1977 "2,117,194" -1.01%
    1978 "2,086,698" -1.46%
    1979 "2,097,070" 0.49%
    1980 "2,175,404" 3.60%
    1981 "2,247,486" 3.21%
    1982 "2,347,334" 4.25%
    1983 "2,501,722" 6.17%
    1984 "2,680,274" 6.66%
    1985 "2,865,183" 6.45%
    1986 "3,063,289" 6.47%
    1987 "3,237,751" 5.39%
    1988 "3,430,869" 5.63%
    1989 "3,624,773" 5.35%
    1990 "3,846,811" 5.77%
    1991 "4,071,954" 5.53%
    1992 "4,289,737" 5.08%
    1993 "4,483,900" 4.33%
    1994 "4,695,111" 4.50%
    1995 "4,950,344" 5.16%
    1996 "5,167,258" 4.20%
    1997 "5,353,078" 3.47%
    1998 "5,544,059" 3.44%
    1999 "5,653,987" 1.94%
    2000 "5,783,003" 2.23%
    2001 "5,881,776" 1.68%
    2002 "6,047,997" 2.75%
    2003 "6,184,046" 2.20%
    2004 "6,308,341" 1.97%
    2005 "6,391,500" 1.30%
    2006 "6,455,415" 1.00%
    2007 "6,513,514" 0.90%
    2008 "6,552,595" 0.60%
    2009 "6,578,805" 0.40%
    2010 "6,587,029" 0.13%
    2011 "6,567,268" -0.30%
    2012 "6,534,431" -0.50%
    2013 "6,488,690" -0.70%
    2014 "6,423,803" -1.00%
    2015 "6,340,294" -1.30%
    2016 "6,245,190" -1.50%
    2017 "6,139,021" -1.70%
    2018 "6,016,241" -2.00%
    2019 "5,877,867" -2.30%
    2020 "5,725,043" -2.60%
    2021 "5,564,742" -2.80%
    2022 "5,397,799" -3.00%
    2023 "5,219,672" -3.30%
    2024 "5,036,983" -3.50%

  • garybuss

    I've seen two generations all but die off and the Watch Tower Corporation(s) are prospering like never before. The recruiting drive associated with 1975 pushed them into the big time. They struggled and recovered to push the "generation" prediction to it's maximum and end just to bank huge profits. It was beautiful to watch.
    It's like a religious Ponzi scheme. Those who lose aren't allowed to talk to the ones who are currently donating time and money (not to mention donating their kids and their kid's futures).
    My parents are still living in their middle 80's, but most of the Witnesses I knew in their generation are long dead.
    I'm in the next generation to die off. We are the ones who saw 1975. I was 22 years old in 1966 when that all started. Those who joined the SDO in 1995 haven't seen a failure . . . yet. They think gray hairs like me are just goofy.
    When I was a kid sitting in meetings in the 50's they were STILL making excused for the failure of 1914. Not all accepted that failure very well.

  • blondie

    Actually, older JWs have been dying for years, except for the anointed who seem to hang on longer.

    I have seen this in my own family as the last person in my grandmother's generation died and my mother's generation became the oldest ones. Now as they enter their 80's, they are wondering who will be the second in their generation to die. I have heard them say, "It wasn't supposed to be this way; I wasn't supposed to die but live into the new system." As they get more feeble and the illnesses of old age take hold, they wonder more and more.

    So the natural aging, dying process keeps on and the end does not come. I can imagine that with each news event that seems to hold promise of the end coming, their desperation grows.

    As each generation dies, a new one comes up to take it's place.


  • parakeet

    ***I have heard them say, "It wasn't supposed to be this way; I wasn't supposed to die but live into the new system." As they get more feeble and the illnesses of old age take hold, they wonder more and more.***
    That's the position my parents are in; it's heartbreaking to see. And you're right, there are plenty of younger braindead JWs to take the place of the older generation.

  • damselfly

    Others will just step up and take their places.

    My parents have NO savings let alone a saving plan because they were not supposed to get old. I think they realize that they and my siblings will get old eventually ( 'cause hello the sky is NOT falling!!) as they strongly supported my brother in college and are pushing the next to go as well (maybe that is their saving plan)


  • nsrn

    My parents never thought they'd live to be 86 and have to get old and sick...but they squirreled away money and bought cd's and actually have means to live well. Of course, they live just like the did in the 30's .Now a nursing home or assisted living stint could wipe it out, but l wonder how Dad rationalized saving for a future that was supposed to NOT require cash...

  • Dismembered

    Greetings again JH,

    :Will this create a panic in the congregation seeing the older ones who were so zealous die off one by one.

    It should, and i'm counting on it.


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