What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually di

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackPearl

    He was smart and knew better. I did the same thing, never bought into the "you gotta be a pioneer your whole adult life" line of thought. Started making a good living right out of high school, glad I did. Doesn't mean I love Jehovah any less for it, or that he loves me any less for it. Just a personal decision. Cash is King, never forget it.

  • kilroy2

    Heres the dealeose as I see it, People said the same thing in the 30's 40's and 50's and so on, as the old generation dies out there is a new young [stupid] gneration that is ready to gulp down the kool-aid no questions asked and you have another 50-60 years before it sets in that "Hay, I was not supposed to get this old in this system!] As the great P.T. Barnum said it there is one born every second. They are not only sheep taken to the killing house, they run freely to the killing house. And you can not change the minds of 99% of them no matter how good your argument is, or how much proof you have, NON SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO WILL NOT SEE.

  • Virgochik

    When those elderly, die-hard ones are gone, they will be left with a younger generation that's just not as devoted with their time and money, more materialistic, more prone to send their kids to college, and who can't live without the internet. These people may attend meetings, but not make all of them, go out in service, but only occasionally, donate, but not generously... in other words, a new group of watered down Witlesses emerges. They won't be as gung-ho as the old ones were.

    I predict more down-sizing ahead!

  • bert

    Awake Magazine of May22,1969 page 15

    "If you are a young person you also need to face the fact that you will never grow oldin this present system of things."

    how many of us now old persons remember that!

  • serendipity

    HI bert and welcome!

    If you are a young person you also need to face the fact that you will never grow oldin this present system of thing

    My mother got baptized in 1973 when I was 10 and told me I might not even reach my teen years before Armageddon comes. Here I am 33 years later with a teenager of my own.

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